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Report - - Archway Hospital, Holborn - November 2023 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Archway Hospital, Holborn - November 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

So I will start by saying that this one features in multiple reports already, and a couple this year and as a result of this I wont bother boring you all with the history, it's all out there for you to find in other reports and on the internet.

I will, however, post the explore (it was a memorable one!) and the photos along with it so enjoy!

I want to give a shoutout to @tobytron for his advice and experience about his explore.

The Explore

Explored with @Shlum Le Flame and some homeless guy we came across earlier in the day...

Gweejee pussied out of this one all together meaning we had to improvise our obligatory 3rd member of the team, we found some guy outside and asked if he was willing to have an adventure.... he was! It turned out homeless guy (didn't actually ever get his name so lets call him Homie from now on) was fairly unhinged and nearly got us caught a couple of times.

Firstly on arrival, we noticed that there had been considerable changes to the perimeter protection than the last time we can about a year ago in Autumn 2022. The perimeter fence now has wooden hoarding panels that extend its height and make it a bit more difficult to get in and out, especially when the low wall that used to be a handy exit had now been heightened, making a hasty exit much harder.

We did the traditional 360 on foot and decided we were going for a much more direct approach than last time, more or less going for the front of the building. Once over the fence, we took a right and were confronted with a rather awkward tall fence roughly 12-15 feet tall and difficult to climb.

We decided we were going to persist and headed onward around the site, looking for the mythical open fire door mentioned in earlier reports. We never did find the door and continued further on to a hole in the chipboard protecting an entrance!

Finally we were in, we walked up the stairs and pushed on the door in front to find it was screwed shut... turns out we weren't in after all...

Continuing further around the edge of the building feeling fairly dejected, we came upon the lit up side of the site. We decided at this point we may as well chance it as we were possibly leaving in a minute anyway after not finding an entrance and so dashing under an infra red camera and around the corner into the floodlights, there it was...

The back door wide fucking open...

We couldn't believe our luck and walked straight in, lit up like a bloody christmas tree. There were ominous beeps from the active fire alarms and the familiar clicking sound of infra red sensors as we briskly walked through the corridors.

We came upon the main staircase and started climbing all the way to the roof... we had planned on doing this one for years dreaming of gaining access to the big tower and had been turfed out a couple of times, only getting in to one of the side office buildings once before.

Once on the roof, we had a good wee overwatch of the site for a minute, spotting security twice from the very tower we had dreamed of getting inside, circling the buildings. We descended and covered i'd say 80% of the huge main building's corridors, operating rooms, and theatres, even having a comforting steamy poo in the toilets complimented nicely by the fresh toilet roll that still remained in the cubicles.

We discovered what appeared to be some sort of technical room complete with full maps of the site, electrical diagrams, a strange stone relief of Dick Whittington and even a jar with the top of someone's femur in it... yes you read that right.

After what was probably 2-3 hours, we were well satisfied with our explore, and agreed it was time for us to leave. Homie hesitated for a second, this had been the most inviting lodgings he had come across in some time and he would potentially go from being homeless to having his own private mansion but even he eventually decided to leave with us too.

We got slightly lost in this huge amazing building for about 20 minutes somehow and eventually retraced our steps to the sliding door we accessed only to find it LOCKED!!!

We have had some touchy moments before, but this was a particularly worrying one, especially as we have a vow to never cause any damage... Homie at this point nearly set up camp but said he would indeed help us find the way out of the building.

And this he did, after a long while looking for an open door or window, Homie discovered an open window! We looked outside only to find that it only lead to an internal courtyard. In our desperation to get out, we thought that this would have to do and I started leading the climb up the piping and out onto the roof adjacent.

Luckily for us, there was an outbuilding right next to it that made a nice midway point between us and the ground so we downclimbed and came face to face with the giant fence we had decided would be too difficult to scale.

We all know the extra level of balls and apparent climbing ability that comes along when you want to get the hell out of somewhere and so it didn't seem so daunting. @Shlum Le Flame lead the way down (as I wasn't sure of the drop) but it didn't turn out to be too bad, and we made our way out of the site getting out the same way we came in.

Crossing the road to the pub opposite, we bought Homie a beer to thank him for finding the way out and a McDonalds on the way back to our transport. We wished him farewell and sent him on his way, back out into the cold of the November night, wondering if we would ever bump into him again.

It was a strange, surreal explore and a night to remember, as well as being possibly one of the coolest looking buildings I have ever had the privilege to derp around inside of.

I hope you enjoyed the report!!! - If anyone has any good leads in the Berkshire/Bucks/Oxon/Hampshire or London areas, please hit me up with a message, I'd really appreciate it!

Egg out.




























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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks mate!

Yeah doesn't look like its changed much over the years - a good thing considering how quickly they seem to deal with other buildings!

We went to Heatherwood hospital in Ascot, forgot to take pictures, then returned the next week to make a report and the whole site was flattened! Gotta get to these places while they still stand!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thanks mate!

Yeah doesn't look like its changed much over the years - a good thing considering how quickly they seem to deal with other buildings!

We went to Heatherwood hospital in Ascot, forgot to take pictures, then returned the next week to make a report and the whole site was flattened! Gotta get to these places while they still stand!
At least you can take pleasure in the fact that you didn’t miss anything with Heatherwood, it was dog shit😂even the operating room was mid


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely covered, u did well not to get caught by the increasingly angry secca I keep seeing

Thanks mate! Yeah he did seem like he was stropping around a bit and I do wonder if he knew we were there and locked us in intentionally!


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
The one thing I still remember about this place was the fact it went from smelling like weed to vomit through almost every other doorway.

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