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Report - - Report - Oldway Mansion (Rotunda), Paignton - August 2020 | Other Sites |

Report - Report - Oldway Mansion (Rotunda), Paignton - August 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Forgot about this website for a bit so this was a while back. This was actively under construction back then so doing this was a bit crazy as we ended up going in at the same time and it ended up a bit of a Last of Us stealth setpiece...but the place itself is quite interesting. Wikipedia it.

I don't know if it's wiser or less wise to go there now as in the months after there was an increased security presence but I haven't noticed any builders there since. We did a preliminary scouting trip about a week before we went in proper. Don't know if it's still there but there was one window out the back which was unboarded, it really was video gamey as every other entrance was boarded up. Funnily enough the builders weren't actually there when we didn't go in proper. Also by the way the pictures are captioned with more info.

When we went back a week later we realised how weird this place is. There's this big rotunda in the middle and then all around it like a secret corridor with different bits branching off that. The only thing remotely similar I remember is some building in the film Tenet I think. You go in the same entrance and can either turn left and climb over a false wall to get to the middle (but then you can't get back) or you turn right and go the long way. So we went right.

Firstly you go through a greenhouse which is sort of crazy but it was doing well when we were there, or at least the invasive species were lol. Then you get properly into the building, it's an odd space. There's a greenhouse, flats, windows into interior rooms, a cinema space, what was apparently a dance studio and an old school all in this one part of the mansion. I don't think we even saw all of just this part. The major things to be careful of if you go here are: other people/security, knowing how to get back, not getting cut off, asbestos (there is quite a bit around but none that you necessarily have to touch) and unstable flooring. There's also a giant pit near the start you have to not fall into, although if you do you CAN get out.

Anyway about the chase part. We were right in the thick of the main building when we heard others. They could've just been exploring too but it was sus, they were legit telling each other to split up or whatever but the builders left partway through and before they were in there so not sure how they knew we were there if that was the case. We somehow managed to get out but it involved descending two floors (and navigating dodgy ones!) under stress so don't recommend that. You can ensure its empty by climbing into the roof and shimmying up as there's a broken window you can look through to see into the rotunda.

That's all I can think of, if you can still get in there's a LOT in there. They security fenced part of it off soon after but you may still be able to enter from the lower road or by going around. That's really the main issue in getting it, and I think that's still there. You also need to be aware the main mansion area outside is very popular with dog walkers.

Unofficial entrance, I never got a clearer photo. You need to scale the fencing on the left and crawl through sort of. It's not that bad.

This is where you enter

A lot of doors from this bit to small rooms around the central part. Lots of these have asbestos inside

Asbestos inside on right

Big pit (view from roof), if you're brave you can tightrope walk the pole thing but wouldn't recommend.

Where you can look into where construction work went (goes?) On



This science poster looks quite old. 80s?


Guess this was either for events or a residents' space.


Lots of this sort of thing especially on the lowest level.



Don't walk across this unless you want to re-enact that ice scene from dark knight rises

Car Park and civilisation behind this door although fortunately the end with most stuff is away from people


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Also, if anyone has info on living Coasts Torquay let me know

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
What a topsy turvey place. It doesnt look like a mansion at all. Its all very strange. I looked this place up and it was a nice looking place. Sounds like a death trap back in 2020. But this photo was also Aug 2020


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What a topsy turvey place. It doesnt look like a mansion at all. Its all very strange. I looked this place up and it was a nice looking place. Sounds like a death trap back in 2020. But this photo was also Aug 2020
Yeah, all of it bar one room which they made into like a tea room, including outhouses and separate parts, is still closed and has been for ages...I thought the council was supposed to be developing it but they've started a lot of projects they haven't finished :(

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Sorry I made a mistake the rotunda used to look like this, and the mansion is nearby as above. Lets hope they finish it soon. Looks like you entered during a huge reno. Looks like ninja warrior lol.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
me and some mates tried to get in, theres no chance, 24/7 on site security, with K9 units on standby

I wrote a short script specifically to try and get in for filming and she said it would cost me too much for them to unlock the building and to go somewhere else


28DL Member
28DL Member
Also, if anyone has info on living Coasts Torquay let me know
I have been scouting that place for a while. There appears to be regular security teams and little point of entrances. The one time we went for it we tripped an alarm and the fenced off carpark lit up. But I am interested in going back.

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