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Report - ROAC barracks, marchington, august 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
i went to this place a few weeks ago, sadly i only took a video because i was interrupted by some young chaps.

i managed to go back there today with a mate and i took some pictures, i know this place has been searched alot but i enjoyed the walk around.

Royal Army Ordnance Corp Marchington, was built around 1957 and dealt with the supply and maintenance of weaponry and munitons and various other military equipment until 1993 when the corp amalgamated with the Royal Logistics Corp.

It was also a Central Vehicle Depot during this time until the barracks closed in 1970, and the Territorial Army took over until finally closing the site in the early 1980s.

Marchington also housed the Army`s fleet of Green Goddesses which came under the jurisdiction of the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM).

i copied that from forces war records site so on to the pics

a few pics of some of the buildings






i saw this plaque on a wall on one of the buildings


and fount a couple of interesting things in there



there's still these things left on the walls, i guess it would of been where the beds was.


here's a few pics from inside some of the buildings










and i love some of the art work








thanks for looking

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nicely covered. I find the poem strangely haunting, and rather good. Someone has some talent.


Stay Safe
Staff member
These barracks (Saint Barbara's Barracks) were built circa 1957 to house single un-married RAOC soldiers, many of whom were national servicemen working at Central Vehicle Depot (CVD) Marchington next door which is now an industrial estate. It replaced a wartime built Nissen Hutted camp across the road of which there is now little sign. Evidence of hard standings exist in the area suggesting it covered a larger area in WW2 and afterwards for the disposal of wartime surplus B Vehicles (ie non-armoured)

It only ever dealt with vehicles and never in the supply and maintenance of weaponry and munitions and various other military equipment which were stored in Central Ordnance or Ammunition Depots (COD & CAD's) it closed as a CVD in 1968

I never visited this dept as it closed before I joined the RAOC but lived at Saint Georges Barracks at Bicester which was built around the same time along the same lines so can identify with it so much! and the picture saying may have been above a bed is correct, it is the remains of a book shelf & bedside light.

The old CVD was taken over at first by the Home Office as a Reserve Depot for Civil Defence Equipment such as Bedford QL (later replaced by RL's) & Austin Champs (later Land Rovers) as well as the famous Bedford RLHZ Self Propelled Pump (Green Goddess Fire Tender) used during the Fire Strikes. All these were Petrol Engined for ease of maintenance after a nuclear war. It also contained Field Kitchens and tentage..

The camp lived on as a TAVR reserve training camp till the late 80's but the lack of local training areas nearby was always a problem.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
interesting to see people still going here, very little to see anymore and its been this way since about the year 2000, if you go right back in time to the 1980's however it was a different story, i discovered this place in 1988 and photographed it in that year, it had obviously been derelict some years even then, but was mainly intact and un vandalised or stripped of fittings, those wood bits on the wall were indeed booksheves on each bed position with an black aluminium reading light below it, the bunk rooms had positions for 8 beds all with a shelf and light above them, these blocks mainly housed single men who worked on the B depot ( now marchington industrial estate) many people have said many things about when this place closed, it certainly was not in use till 1993 like many people keep saying. After its closure as a central vehicle depot around 1967 it had limited use by the army, it was used till the mid 1970's and put under care and maintainance till finally being sold off to evans property of leeds around 1980 so as far as being truly derelict this was from 1980 onwards which tallys with the amount of damage i saw 8 years later in 88 when i found the place. Several small buildings went about 2006 time, namely the kitchen block, dining hall, the NAFFI block ( wooden buildings ) the boiler house oil tanks and sub station blocks and the nissen hut compound which was the gaurd room depot.
The block nearest the houseing estate had a NAFFI families shop on the ground floor, and stores upstairs, the middle block nearest the houseing estate was mainly all stores and a barbers shop, the far block near the sports feild was the womens block the WRAC block, the block closest to the wooden NAFFI block was the HQ block the block opposite the B depot had the telephone exchange on the ground floor and medical institute upstairs, i know all the names of the blocks as they all had WW2 battle names above the front doors back in the 80's, it was a different place then, it was interesting and set me on the trail to exploring i guess


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    barrack block no.1 in 1988.jpg
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  • dormatory room in barrack block 5 in 1988.jpg
    dormatory room in barrack block 5 in 1988.jpg
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  • main kitchen block in 1988.jpg
    main kitchen block in 1988.jpg
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  • canteen looking to serving hatch in 1988.jpg
    canteen looking to serving hatch in 1988.jpg
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Corporal Progress

28DL Member
28DL Member
i went to this place a few weeks ago, sadly i only took a video because i was interrupted by some young chaps.

i managed to go back there today with a mate and i took some pictures, i know this place has been searched alot but i enjoyed the walk around.

Royal Army Ordnance Corp Marchington, was built around 1957 and dealt with the supply and maintenance of weaponry and munitons and various other military equipment until 1993 when the corp amalgamated with the Royal Logistics Corp.

It was also a Central Vehicle Depot during this time until the barracks closed in 1970, and the Territorial Army took over until finally closing the site in the early 1980s.

Marchington also housed the Army`s fleet of Green Goddesses which came under the jurisdiction of the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM).

i copied that from forces war records site so on to the pics

a few pics of some of the buildings






i saw this plaque on a wall on one of the buildings


and fount a couple of interesting things in there



there's still these things left on the walls, i guess it would of been where the beds was.


here's a few pics from inside some of the buildings










and i love some of the art work








thanks for looking
I was one of the first soldiers in those blocks when they opened in 1957. I was National Service (Group 5707) & was Corporal i/c Progress at the depot under Capt J R Young. What an amazing change from the Nissan huts we had a Egginton from where, before the new camp was built, we travelled daily by TCV. I have many happy memories of the camp & the boys I served with. Now 83. 23384170 Corporal David O'Neill from Newcastle upon Tyne. Anyone remembering me my email is [email protected]


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
whent here today totally off spec as has a visit from a long established urbex mate, just went as it was local and ive not been for about 5 years.
first thing i noticed was large yellow signs on each block saying CCTV in operation ! must be a wind up, the place is trashed and is a stripped out shell with nothing of value inside and has been this way since the early 90's.
also on looking closer were several white boxes with blue and yellow lights on them tierapped to the windows.
once steel shutter was peeled back so an obvious entrance, upon cliimbing through set a bloody PIR detector off and a battery siren kicked up which we saw attached again with tyraps to the top floor window.
no one came, think its all a scare tactic to scare people off going in.
compensation culture of today gone mad owners trying any avenue to deter people in fear of getting sued if somone slips and hurts them self in there i'm sure thats what its all about
the place was a walk in walk out urbex for decades then when its been stripped bare and trashed they try everything going to keep people out, makes no sense


28DL Member
28DL Member
Interesting. Being a former B1 Blanket Stacker in the RAOC myself, I had heard of this place way back in 1977 when I was stationed at COD Chilwell in Nottingham. The barracks are very similar to those at Chilwell.

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