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  1. pastybap

    is this a former air raid shelter, or sewage related?

    Hello all, As title says, I have one mate who reckons was an old air raid shelter or bunker, and I see what he is getting at, as there seems to be some brick work missing, but why the manhole and step irons? It is also near a particularly pungent CSO on a brook, and there is a manhole with the...
  2. Wastelandr

    Report - Camden Catacombs East Section - September 2020

    THE EXPLORE So we began blowing up an inflatable canoe on the side of Regents Canal footpath much to the confusion and amazement of passers by. When it was finally ready, we hopped in and nearly got crushed by a large tourist boat why proceeded to tell us 'we were on the wrong side', despite...