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Report - - Hasard Cheratte, Belgium - August 2014 | European and International Sites |

Report - Hasard Cheratte, Belgium - August 2014

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Coal mine of Hasard de Cheratte is the main colliery of Société anonyme des Charbonnages du Hasard, composed of four mine shafts. It is located in Cheratte, a section of the Belgian city of Visé located in the Walloon Region in the province of Liège. This first shaft was dug in 1850 to a depth of 250 meters. The company decided to build a headframe, a first in Belgium. This tower was fitted with an extraction machine and several motors working with direct current. A washhouse was built in 1920 by Beer de Jemeppe company, and a second extraction mine with a metallic tower opened. In 1927, the Belle-Fleur mine was equipped by a little tower made of reinforced concrete and a low power winch. Its work was to bring the tailings back to the surface. A third mine and a headframe were built between 1927 and 1947. In 1938, the mine reached 313 metres depth, but it only became operational in 1953. It was improved and reached 480 metres depth. The extraction machine at its top was insufficient. The engineer decide to install a machine on the floor, and to improve it. The n° 1 mine stopped the extraction and became a rescue mine. Then, its additional building were converted to showers and cloakrooms. The n° 2 mine was sealed off. When it closed on October 31, 1977, it employed more than 600 miners.











Miss Mayhem

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Absolutely amazing, the building is stunning.
Brilliant report your shots are cracking,
Cheers for sharing :thumb

Mr Sam

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
the castle like structures are awesome, if i ever did the Euro derps this is one place i wouldn't mind seeing

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