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abandoned police station

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  1. didiclimbit

    Lead or Rumour info - Merseyside Police HQ

    Anyone heard anything about this? Rumours that someone posted it on TikTok but I cant find the video anywhere Here is a maps pin click this
  2. P

    Salford crescent PHQ Manchester

    Quite an interesting find last night. It came as a shock that it was A) as easily accessible as it was and B) No one else was there... The imposing old Salford Police Station on the Crescent is a 1950s landmark, designed by Bradshaw, Gass and Hope, that was originally the headquarters of...
  3. D

    06/07/2019 - Abandoned Police Station (Brentwood)

    Had a great time going to this abandoned police station. Very easy to get in and surprisingly no security! If they have boarded the building back up note that you can get in if you climb the stairs at the back of the station (to get on the roof) and go through the broken door. The last time I...
  4. Cariad1313

    Report - Brentwood Police Station, April 2019

    Brentwood Police Station More photos over on my Instagram. History There isn't much history of this place; it opened in 1937 due to a growing population. Sometime in 2016, the staff were relocated to the town hall while they awaited the completion of a new station just down the road from the...
  5. lucyconnolly13

    Report - Abandoned Police Headquarters Newcastle - April 2018

    Hey guys, just wanted to share some cool photos I took from an explore of an abandoned police station located in the North East of England from April/May this year. FYI (I was granted special permission to explore this site, the site has now been bought and is under construction and is...
  6. PerryGoesPlaces

    Report - Brentwood Police Station and Magistrates Court, Essex - August 2018

    Me and @Smiffyboi explored the abandoned police station in Brentwood little over a week ago, we had been told the site had 24/7 security with frequent police patrols but on the day we went we didn't encounter a single person for the 3 hours we spent there. The History The Police Station was...