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  1. T

    Report - ABC (Granada) Cinema - Maidstone - 2018

    ABC Cinema, formerly known as Granada Theatre was a permanent fixture at the bottom of Lower Stone Street, in Maidstone, Kent. There are a few other reports of the same location, and I thought i'd post some of my own images well to add to the collection. The building itself is reasonably...
  2. Llama

    Report - Quarry Dean Firestone Mine, Merstham, Surrey - June 2020

    History: The Quarry Dean firestone mine in Merstham, Surrey, is just one of the many mines, stone quarries and underground workings that are scattered along the North Downs between East Kent and Surrey, and is also by far one of the oldest. This particular underground stone quarry dates back as...
  3. A

    St Peter's Mortuary, Chertsey, Surrey

    June 2019 I know this has been done many times over the years but it's my first "proper" explore (as in planned) and I was excited to see it, so just in case there are any newbies (like me!) reading or just if anyone's interested to see what the condition of the place is like now, here's a post...