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Report - - Blackburn and Sutcliffe cotton mill, Kebroyd - March 2011 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Blackburn and Sutcliffe cotton mill, Kebroyd - March 2011

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28DL Full Member
This was built for Thomas and John Hadwen. Recorded in 1803 as a 5-storey mill measuring 75 ft by 31 ft.
Owners and tenants of the mill have includedJohn Hadwen & Son. It was later used for silk-spinning
Kebroyd Mills, Triangle
There were 2 fulling mills and a corn mill here. Several mills were recorded on the site: Kebroyd Upper Mill, Kebroyd Middle Mill, Kebroyd Lower Mill, and Dene Mill.
In 1680, the old corn mill was taken over by local cloth merchant John Holroyd who converted it to a fulling mill. In 1739, it was taken over by Samuel Hill.t was used for cotton-spinning from 1794.
In 1902, the mills were run by a new company headed by Frederick Hadwen. In 1903, there was a serious fire in Dene Mill. On 6th November 1904, Kebroyd Mill was destroyed by fire. Nothing was salvaged – except a bible which had remained intact although nearby stonework was severely blackened. In 1905, when Kebroyd Mill was rebuilt, it was decided that the bible – which had survived the fire – should be given pride of place in the new mill, and it was displayed in a glass case, alongside keys from the old mill building with the caption:
This bible was discovered amidst the ruins of this mill after its total destruction, November 5, 1904, having withstood the fire and has been placed here by Mrs Fred Hadwen in the hope that it may prove an omen of good fortune for the future

Subsequent owners and tenants of the mills have included
Dean Mills Company [1905]
Waterhouse, Bingham & Company [1905]
Blackburn & Sutcliffe [until 2001]

There were plans for the mill to be converted into 98 private apartments by owners Allied Textiles.
Thieves had plundered parts of the empty building.
On 16th May 2006, the mill was completely destroyed by one of the biggest fires for several years. Reports said that people had been seen leaving the building shortly before the fire broke out.

This was a good explore and on the mills last day as today demolition has begun (:() I had been inside before but only on the bottom floor, so be able to see the storage levels and other floors was pretty cool. this is/was located next to my house so was pretty personal to finally be properly inside something I see everyday and always wondered what was inside. I tried to give the photos a bit of variety this time but I'm not sure if I achieved this. No security with it being a Sunday so a leisurely stroll around the inside and outside with no bother, despite my friend jumping and screaming when I knocked a can over. class moment. anyway, on with the pictures :)






(the old water system)








rest can be seen on my flickr set

UE kebroyd mill

sorry if I bored you with the essay at the start :) and I hope the pictures are ok :)

Cheers Chaps and Chapettes
