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Derelict London

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Mr Boombastic
28DL Full Member
Derelict London - Paul Talling
ISBN 978-1-905-21143-2


This little paperback is a collection of over a hundred pictures of derelict buildings all over London, each with a facing page of history. Only a few buildings have more than one picture, but it's a really good little guidebook - if I lived in London, this would be a great starting list for urban exploration.


28DL Full Member
Just this second been given a copy of this (a supprisingly well thought out 'Secret Santa' present from one of the nurses @ work)

I'll second what Ben says - mainly external views - but an interesting little "shopping list" for anyone in London.

(although I notice the cover price is £9.99 - our budget was £10 - where's my penny you tight-wads? - I spent the full tenner on you!)
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Obsessed with BS7671
Regular User
One thing to be careful of though, is to make sure that what ever building you wanna check out aint since been demo-ed or converted or there will be tears before bedtime :-(


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Its a little out of date now but theres still a few odds and ends in it people havnt done.


28DL Full Member
true of all books really. by the time they are out they are already dated. TBH I was just chuffed that someone at work had put a little effort into buying my pressie!

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
I started going through the book systematically, there wasn't a lot left IIRC.

Edit: It's actually Harry's book, I borrowed it about a year ago.


As you do
28DL Full Member
I have been a frequent visitor to Pauls web site for years, some of my old haunts there from my London days. A bit of nostalga every now and then ....... wonderful.

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