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Report - - Doncaster Grand theatre.. sept 17 | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 2 |

Report - Doncaster Grand theatre.. sept 17

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Tried this place last night but couldn't see a way in :( bit of a wasted trip as only got to see the inside of the Registars office a few mile away!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Tried this place last night but couldn't see a way in :( bit of a wasted trip as only got to see the inside of the Registars office a few mile away!

You really wasn’t looking hard enough... done the register office today. Dreadful. Alarms work men the lot. Got it done like. Had to leg it round the back tho at the end. Haha. The joys. Revisit the theatre aswell today. Place is not doing well at all.