Adrenaline Junkie
Right, this is my first report, got a few pictures, most just random and of no relavance, all just with a little point and shoot! (30D arriving soon i think :P)
Anyhoo.. On with the report.
So last night, myself and Userscott went for a bit of Urban Exploration, last minute plan, just wanted to get out.
The drive down there alone was interesting, hey Scott!?
Scott has visited before, so knew the access routes and parking spots nearby, so there was no messing, just walked straight in.
Into the building and walking about, place appears to be a bit of a mess now, after apparent pikie thefts, didn't even think about taking pictures in the first building, just admired the massive plant!
Second building i saw a few things that took my interest.
The first sign that animals were once here....
A laboratory, full of testing kit and samples, along with various papers and tests dated 1997 and 1998.
Evidence that animals were tested on here!
Instructions on how to keep animals for testing!
The gents toilet.
The doorway to the female toilets... read the sign!
That was found in the female toilets.
The clown!
Another office/laboratory room full of old papers and such.
More papers, all spread about, presumably by the pikie invasion!
One of the plant rooms, we didn't go further in due to evidence of asbestos.
Where the poor little animals were kept! These were originally caged areas.
Their diet!
Speaks for itself really.
More of the caged area, its a real shame so much destruction was caused by the robbery of the services etc.. i'd have liked to see these cages in tact.
My fellow urban explorer, stood where the animals would have been kept.
A shower area?
Just wondering what that rope was used for... maybe i shouldn't think so deep into it?
Messing with extreme stuff there!
Myself in another cleaning area, hoses came from the ceiling?
The disturbing reason those hoses were required perhaps?
As per box!
There... the proof of what was kept there, the sinister past of that place.
We discovered that half way through the exploration, and it changed how we saw things so much... imagining little monkeys in cages, then being cut apart?! Madness.
It really is a shame we couldn't see it before it was vandalised, such an incredibly disturbing past so close to home!
Any input on my first ever report would be much appreciated!
So, the end of my first reported urban exploration!
Anyhoo.. On with the report.
So last night, myself and Userscott went for a bit of Urban Exploration, last minute plan, just wanted to get out.
The drive down there alone was interesting, hey Scott!?
Scott has visited before, so knew the access routes and parking spots nearby, so there was no messing, just walked straight in.
Into the building and walking about, place appears to be a bit of a mess now, after apparent pikie thefts, didn't even think about taking pictures in the first building, just admired the massive plant!
Second building i saw a few things that took my interest.
The first sign that animals were once here....
A laboratory, full of testing kit and samples, along with various papers and tests dated 1997 and 1998.
Evidence that animals were tested on here!
Instructions on how to keep animals for testing!
The gents toilet.
The doorway to the female toilets... read the sign!
That was found in the female toilets.
The clown!
Another office/laboratory room full of old papers and such.
More papers, all spread about, presumably by the pikie invasion!
One of the plant rooms, we didn't go further in due to evidence of asbestos.
Where the poor little animals were kept! These were originally caged areas.
Their diet!
Speaks for itself really.
More of the caged area, its a real shame so much destruction was caused by the robbery of the services etc.. i'd have liked to see these cages in tact.
My fellow urban explorer, stood where the animals would have been kept.
A shower area?
Just wondering what that rope was used for... maybe i shouldn't think so deep into it?
Messing with extreme stuff there!
Myself in another cleaning area, hoses came from the ceiling?
The disturbing reason those hoses were required perhaps?
As per box!
There... the proof of what was kept there, the sinister past of that place.
We discovered that half way through the exploration, and it changed how we saw things so much... imagining little monkeys in cages, then being cut apart?! Madness.
It really is a shame we couldn't see it before it was vandalised, such an incredibly disturbing past so close to home!
Any input on my first ever report would be much appreciated!
So, the end of my first reported urban exploration!