Visit with R1...
Very similar to the rail warehouses of Derby and Nottingham, but a much more imposing building due to it's curved construction. It shows that the building has been out of use for almost 40 years, but such a well built structure has stood well against the elements. Making our way from floor to floor was interesting due to the collapse of the stairs, but it was possible and well worth the effort. Just standing at one end looking towards the other was very impressive, I dont think I have ever been in a curved building of that style before, so I enjoyed photographing it too... I hope you like the results!
Very similar to the rail warehouses of Derby and Nottingham, but a much more imposing building due to it's curved construction. It shows that the building has been out of use for almost 40 years, but such a well built structure has stood well against the elements. Making our way from floor to floor was interesting due to the collapse of the stairs, but it was possible and well worth the effort. Just standing at one end looking towards the other was very impressive, I dont think I have ever been in a curved building of that style before, so I enjoyed photographing it too... I hope you like the results!