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Report - - "Reha-Ruine" - Obernberg am inn - Austria - March 2024 | Leisure Sites |

Report - "Reha-Ruine" - Obernberg am inn - Austria - March 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The construction of a rehabilitation clinic began 20 years ago and around 15 million were invested in the project. In 2004, the then operating company ran out of money, and since then the large "ruined building" has led a desolate existence. The property changed hands again and again, but no concrete measures were ever taken.

Nothing more than announcements about continued use of the area was ever made. Before the state and local council elections in 2009, for example, it was announced that a rehabilitation facility for psychosomatic illnesses would be built. A year later it was said: “Obernberg has stopped.”

The property belongs to a “Resort Obernberg Verwaltungs GmbH” based in Schärding and directly connected to a GmbH based in Passau. In any case, “Resort Obernberg Verwaltungs GmbH”, founded in June 2021 and registered in the commercial register of the Ried court location, is the owner and possible developer of the property. According to OÖN research, financially strong investors from Germany are probably behind it. There are also likely to be connections to a large hotel operator from neighboring Bad Füssing. The OÖN repeatedly asked for a statement, but there was no response.

The Obernberg thermal baths have been sold. However, Therme Obernberg GmbH withdrew the application for compulsory compensation at the last moment.The necessary 3.6 million euros could not be raised. but a purchase price has not yet been determined.

there have been rumors making the rounds that an investor from neighboring Bavaria is planning a large hotel project at the site of the “rehab ruin”. The OÖN asked Obernberg's mayor Martin Bruckbauer for a statement, including about a rumored investor. The local leader's response was very brief: "There is currently no statement from the community."

There are certainly indications that a project is to be pushed forward: According to reports, the balneological permit - i.e. for the use of thermal water that is present in deep rock layers in the region - was granted as part of a water law negotiation.
(any inquires please ask)


"what is that?" i ask my friend looking at this grand structure on maps that i accidentally found when looking for a restaurant nearby . "no idea i have never seen that before." "what do you mean...? you've lived here for 2 years?".
This was an amazing start to my intended 2 days holiday in Austria. Our car broke down when we arrived and i needed to spend my time someway. What better way to spend my extended holiday in austria than by going to explore your local "reha-ruine". i made my way there as soon as possible. Instead of picking the most logical route and going the most obvious and easiest way in, i decided to venture further and climb a really steep hill which looking back at was not the best idea.

Upon being met with fences surrounding the whole complex, i happened to find my self on the other side after inconspicuously making my way through one of many holes in the fence. The whole area was overgrown yet easy to navigate through. When i entered the building from the back i stumbled upon what happened to look like the shell 2 jacuzzis and one pool (6). Usual entrances to the basement were flooded or inaccessible. So we found an opening from the outside that led us to another pool in a flooded room (24). Unfortunately, i wasn't able to look at the rest of the basement without the intention of swimming so i'll leave that to some hotter months.

Making my way through the vast and open areas of this concrete beast, i tried my best not to be spotted by locals. The ruin is situated right next to one of the busiest roads and directly opposite obernberg's Schools... but luckily for me not many people like being out and about on their holidays so being spotted was one of the minor concerns. The major concern was... Not falling into the basement. Holes were everywhere and going for a swim was not something i was intending to do like i mentioned before. Graffiti was plastered everywhere, it seemed like a gallery but not your average gallery. more like your "local unfinished rehabilitation centre illegal graffiti" gallery. It seemed pretty much identical in any direction you looked. Graffiti and concrete. A duo that becomes quite apparent to you in this everlasting barren complex.

I eventually found the stairs to the 1st floor after playing hide and seek with them for half an hour and made my way up as soon as possible. The 1st floor felt much more livelier with unfinished concrete rooms (22) and floors... There appeared to be an open space most likely intended for socialising and for some "breathing space" (20). The holes in the ground became a bit more prominent and i really had to watch my steps (19). one wrong move and this extended holiday could become my last. I wondered around a bit further having a great view into the other half of the ruin and i spot a few people in hi-vis vests. so my first thought was to get out of there as soon as possible. well until i got lost. i couldn't find the stair case anymore. i look down before me and theres this huge drop... do i take the leap of faith? no. i wonder around again to see if i can find the stair case again and yes. i found it, it was hidden in between 2 rooms which made it seem like it was it's own room.

I made it out without a problem and made my way back the same evening. I went to check out the other half which happened to be even more unfinished than its mate. The stairs to the 1st floor were inaccessible, connected using 2 waterlogged, ready to fall apart, wooden logs. i decided not to take the risk. there wasn't anything too extravagant about the second half other than there was less graffiti and it was darker but apart from that looked the same as the first half.



(View from a near by viewing tower over obernberg am inn)

Ground Floor































(presumable elevator shafts)




( one of the many deathly holes in he floor)










(pool room)



Thank you for reading my report. If you have any questions please do ask in the comments. I have more photos so if you're interested in seeing any specific things mentioned in the explore again do le me know. :)
More reports on their way!:thumb

(mods feel free to edit anything you seem fit)​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Mods please fix the resolutions for the portrait photos. i dont know how to fix it. 😅