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General - Battersea Power Station - Pictures and Stories...

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
The internet is alight with Battersea PS at the moment, so I thought we'd have our say. Explorers have been hitting Battersea since at least 2005, which is when we became aware of it. No doubt people had got in before us, we didn't know of them and we don't know now to be honest. Stoop and JD of Suburban made a small mission there in 2005 and got to the brick base of the chimneys, and for whatever reason abandoned the attempt. Me and Stumpy went a little while later and rinsed the place, here's some of the key pictures...

In fact the very first picture I took there... 25/11/2005, at 00.06 hrs. ...

IMG_1095 (Medium).jpg

We had a bit of a rummage around, went home and didn't come back until July 2006. God knows why the delay...

But this time we had a plan. We'd seen on the BBC website (about the only pictures available at the time) a picture of a control room (B side). We were going to find it. And we did, at 0200hrs 3/7/2006, well sort of...




That was a great first ! One of a few there.

This time we'd pushed the journey to the whole of roof, the directors stairwell, the turbine halls, and almost to the white room. We didn't know there was a white room of course, but at that time it was protected by a PIR, so we stayed clear.
So that was that night over, we banged over the fence onto the main road, looked back... straight at a hoarding with a picture of Control Room B. Damn, that was the one we intended to see in the first place, and we missed it.

A few days later we went back to find it, and find it we did, at 01.15 on the 6/7/2006...




That was quite an expansive trip as well, covering a lot of ground.

We kept exploring that place right through to 2009

One of the best days was in March 2009. Alias and (someone else, remind me) found a way into the power station from the opposite bank of the Thames. It was dusty and dirty beyond belief, but it worked. At one point in the tunnel you had to crawl through a ladder rung, so not a route for everybody. Of course, this meant we could now explore it in daylight...






Battersea steam tunnel was a good find, with Stumpy and Citadel Monkey, a local. From a paragraph in a book, we went hunting for the community heating project on the opposite bank, and followed the tunnel back under the Thames to Battersea....


Those pipes were red hot !

And my final notable point is the White room. No credit taken, I believe it was found by Palace Fan and Downfallen, who put the word out...



Great times, with great people, did dozens of trips in the end I reckon.

What's your story? Show us your pictures below...
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Staff member
I wondered how long it would be until that was mentioned. Not long haha!

Well, you need to upload a few pics and re-tell the story now don't you :D

I'll have to dig some of mine out over the weekend, got folders full of that place, be good to see people whack a few images up here actually as it was a unique place for sure and a pain in arse sometimes as security were proper on it after the initial visits.

Funnily enough @Oxygen Thief reminded me today of that black dude who could out run any fucker! Seriously that man could run!


28DL Full Member
Great thread, bringing back some fantastic memories.

As majestic as it looks now, and with all the fanfare, for me, it can’t top 2009 Battersea.

Rummaging through the drawing cabinets of the B Side, rumbled by security, we retreated to the roof. All the blue lights down Battersea Park Road were for us, and slowly but surely, 10-15 police cars and vans surrounded the building and hemmed us in. We held our nerve, they got bored, and we finally made our way down around 3am, finishing with the victory sprint across no-mans land, over the big fence, and straight for the nearest McDonald’s. Thanks for the memories, Battersea ❤️

Here’s some photos from 15 (15!) fitter, slimmer and less risk-averse years ago:

Amateurs (2007)

Looks like some of this stuff is now centrepiece in one of the turbine halls now (2007)

Cup of tea on the roof (2007)

White room (2008)

Personal favourite (2008)

B Side Control Room (2009)

Up on the roof (2009)


See you all in the B side Control Room cocktail bar soon

Thanks again!


urban junky

South London…
28DL Full Member
Hi all..

Been a while but sure brings back a few funny memories and close calls…

Just watched the news control room b cocktail bar… “ Take my money “.. fair play to everyone who explored over the years it wasn’t always as easy as it looks..



urban junky

South London…
28DL Full Member
The internet is alight with Battersea PS at the moment, so I thought we'd have our say. Explorers have been hitting Battersea since at least 2005, which is when we became aware of it. No doubt people had got in before us, we didn't know of them and we don't know now to be honest. Stoop and JD of Suburban made a small mission there in 2005 and got to the brick base of the chimneys, and for whatever reason abandoned the attempt. Me and Stumpy went a little while later and rinsed the place, here's some of the key pictures...

In fact the very first picture I took there... 25/11/2005, at 00.06 hrs. ...

IMG_1095 (Medium).jpg

We had a bit of a rummage around, went home and didn't come back until July 2006. God knows why the delay...

But this time we had a plan. We'd seen on the BBC website (about the only pictures available at the time) a picture of a control room (B side). We were going to find it. And we did, at 0200hrs 3/7/2006, well sort of...




That was a great first ! One of a few there.

This time we'd pushed the journey to the whole of roof, the directors stairwell, the turbine halls, and almost to the white room. We didn't know there was a white room of course, but at that time it was protected by a PIR, so we stayed clear.
So that was that night over, we banged over the fence onto the main road, looked back... straight at a hoarding with a picture of Control Room B. Damn, that was the one we intended to see in the first place, and we missed it.

A few days later we went back to find it, and find it we did, at 01.15 on the 6/7/2006...




That was quite an expansive trip as well, covering a lot of ground.

We kept exploring that place right through to 2009

One of the best days was in March 2009. Alias and (someone else, remind me) found a way into the power station from the opposite bank of the Thames. It was dusty and dirty beyond belief, but it worked. At one point in the tunnel you had to crawl through a ladder rung, so not a route for everybody. Of course, this meant we could now explore it in daylight...






Battersea steam tunnel was a good find, with Stumpy and Citadel Monkey, a local. From a paragraph in a book, we went hunting for the community heating project on the opposite bank, and followed the tunnel back under the Thames to Battersea....


Those pipes were red hot !

And my final notable point is the White room. No credit taken, I believe it was found by Palace Fan and Downfallen, who put the word out...



Great times, with great people, did dozens of trips in the end I reckon.

What's your story? Show us your pictures below...
I bet that bed could tell a few story’s aswell few pasty’s smashed on that over the years..


g00n Buster
Staff member
Fuck Battersea.

Probably one of the best places to explore, and i never bothered going down to give it a go. Same with Pye. What a bellend I used to be, well still am.

Anyway, great post, great to read peoples take on it and see some more photo’s of industrial porn.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
One id seen since joining the forum and never thought id be able to visit due to tales of climbing about on scaff and generally shit im just not good at, so one late night after a fail at a return visit elsewhere, Maniac and i think raptor jesus and frosty dragged my old arse to what was a walk in. didnt hang about long but saw one side and toddled off happy with my lot


DSC_0009 1.jpg





28DL Full Member
My first visit & photo of Battersea, shortly after this we triggered the pir in the white room and the place ended up flooded with security


Second go was much more successful


Last visit, bumped into a few others, wasn't gonna go up and say hello though

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