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28DL and UE in the News Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham Post

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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Amazing, thanks for posting. I haven't seen any of the pictures before, and at least it's still there and in mint condition.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

And apparently not flooded either!! Albeit constant battle of pumping, but the lower section not under water as BT wants you to believe!!


Staff member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Thanks for sharing bit disappoited with the lack of pics given the opportunity, still it's 10 more than anyone else has I guess


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Nice to finally see some pics of this place, thanks for sharing.

Also surprised it hasn't been left to flood :)

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Nice to finally see some pics of this place, thanks for sharing.

Also surprised it hasn't been left to flood :)

I'm not surprised, it's a working fibre optic junction thing type place. God knows where the entrance is now. I think myself and Raddog came the closest quite a while back, that's a different story.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

I'm not surprised, it's a working fibre optic junction thing type place. God knows where the entrance is now. I think myself and Raddog came the closest quite a while back, that's a different story.

That would be a very silly thing to do, unless you want to spend time at her majesty's pleasure.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

People do 'silly' things [edit: When I say silly, I don't mean act it, I mean do something you wouldn't and usually with the correct safety gear to do it], some people get away with it, others don't. For many people it's the rush that goes with the hobby. That said, being caught in Anchor would no doubt be a lot harder to worm your way out of than the standard derelict factory!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

People do 'silly' things [edit: When I say silly, I don't mean act it, I mean do something you wouldn't and usually with the correct safety gear to do it], some people get away with it, others don't. For many people it's the rush that goes with the hobby. That said, being caught in Anchor would no doubt be a lot harder to worm your way out of than the standard derelict factory!!

Your more likely to get lost, and then find you can't get out, even if you get that far, which is almost impossible.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Your more likely to get lost, and then find you can't get out, even if you get that far, which is almost impossible.

You seem to know a lot about the place ,care to elaborate on any information etc?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

So they have just ripped the Birmingham Post's article with exactly the same words and pictures but failed to credit the original author of the piece (words: by Matthew Goer, Associated Architects, NOT by Birmingham Mail Executive Editor, Paul Cole).

I know they are sister papers but crediting a story to your name and not the original creator is copyright theft.


living in a cold world
Regular User
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

When have the Birmingham Mail ever been known for their profession conduct?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Excellent piece & New pictures on BT Anchor Exchange in Birmingham by The B'ham P

Your more likely to get lost, and then find you can't get out, even if you get that far, which is almost impossible.

If it's anything like the Manchester Guardian which there were pictures of on this site a while back (but no more), the site has maps inside. Also for safety, I am sure there are emergency exit signs in case of fire. They won't be locked as they are emergency exits so will be great to use as an escape. It might raise suspicion when you exit out of a rectangle manhole, but by the time they twig, you have already disappeared into the back streets.

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