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Report - - Flockton Lane End and Lepton Edge Collieries, West Riding, Yorks, June 2021 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Flockton Lane End and Lepton Edge Collieries, West Riding, Yorks, June 2021

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28DL Regular User
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With some time to kill thought I’d check out two small former collieries in the Kirk Burton area of Huddersfield. Probably not enough for them to stand as reports on their own, but together they make a nice little report. Nothing spectacular but interesting from a historical perspective and the fact this is the first time they have been documented on the forum.

(A) Flockton Lane End Colliery

1. The History
Located on the Middle Coal Measures, outside Flockton in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Lane End Colliery opened at the end of the 18th century. The mine extracted coal to great depth which was transported via railway and exported throughout the country. There were four shafts in total, and one was used for pumping water using submerged electric pumps until relatively recently. It worked up to eight different seams of coal of between 15 to 33 inches in depth. In 1843 it employed 500 men and boys (employing females underground was outlawed in 1842) and, by the standards of the time, was considered a large colliery. The mine ceased operations in 1893 when the miners came out on strike as part of the Great Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Midland’s coal strike of that year. The leases on the land ran out in December of 1893 and were not renewed, thus the colliery closed. The then owners, Milnes, Stansfield & Co, went into liquidation owing creditors £56,968. After that, the coal extraction industry followed the trend of moving further eastwards in the coalfield. Part of the lower section remained in use with the National Coal Board (NCB) and its successor, British Coal, between 1955 and 1988 as a mine drainage unit/pumping station.

O/S map detail of the colliery from 1891:


Associated with the colliery, the Flockton Tramway was a private mineral tramway built sometime between 1772-78 by the Milnes family to carry coals from their pits around Flockton, in the parish of Shitlington, West Riding, to the Calder and Hebble Navigation at Horbury Bridge, about 3 miles away. The line was worked by horses and self-acting inclines. The route included a tunnel and one of the earliest railway viaducts.

Boiler salvage workers at the colliery in 1895:

Today the remains of Flockton Lane End Colliery are hidden in the woods. All that remains is the Cornish type engine-house and chimney base, which can still be found amidst the ever-increasing woodland.

2. The Explore
Relaxed mooch. Not a lot to see here and well hidden in the undergrowth. But hardly surprising given the main operations here stopped as far back as the end of the 1800s. Spent a good forty minutes hunting round the undergrowth. Would have loved to have taken a closer look at the tramway but time wasn’t on my side and didn’t fancy wading through the dew-soaked cornfield.

3. The Pictures

Site gates:


The Cornish type engine-house:






The capped shaft:



Newer building most likely dating back to the 1950s when it was used by the NCB as a pumping station:


A hint of its former use:


Base of a former chimney:


Concrete base:


Finally, distant view of the tramway course approaching from the north:


(B) Lepton Edge Colliery

1. The History

Not too much on the history side here. Lepton Edge Colliery is located east of the village of the same name on Wakefield Road. It first appears on OS maps in 1892, although other sources records state the mine opening date to be 1994. The first owners were W & J Cardwell before it briefly passed to G.S. Cardwell. Latterly, it was owned by Elliott's Collieries Ltd. of Hopton until it was nationalised on the formation of the National Coal Board in 1947.

Since the mine commenced operations, employment never fell below 100 miners. At its peak in 1947, the mine had 290 employees with 245 underground workers and 45 at the surface. That year, it produced 84,000 tons of coal. The colliery was notable for mining more water than coal.

Detail of old O/S map from 1908:


Lepton Edge closed in August 1964 and now all that's on the site is the old winding house. Apparently, they still pump from the shaft to keep water problems away from Caphouse museum, further down the dip.

Un-dated archive picture of the mine when the headstock was still in situ. However, it is most likely to been post the mine closing so best guess is the late 1960s :

2. The Explore
Not too much to report here. Having negotiated the palisade fencing it was a relatively easy scramble into the winding house. Beyond that there’s not too much to tell.

3. The Pictures

The former Coal Authorities sign:


Nature taking over the now capped shaft:


And the reason we’re here. The former winding house:




Top level first:



And down to ground level:



Some passable graff:





28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The shafts are presumably there below the capping but probably flooded long before reaching the actual mine workings.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That second one is quite nice.
Ain't it just. Deffo more to see here

Great stuff really enjoyed this late keep them collieries coming :thumb
I'll try mate!

Really nice mate. I love seeing undocumented places. And you reported beautifully on it as always.
Cheers @Mikeymutt Getting harder to find but that's half the fun, innit?

Nice find. Its always good to see new places. These places were clearly built to last, great stone work. But nature is stronger. Great shots. :thumb
Cheers @Calamity Jane
Yup, nature always wins in the end...

The shafts are presumably there below the capping but probably flooded long before reaching the actual mine workings.
Think you are spot on here @DaveFM
The pumps earned their worth here.

Dean Storey

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi Hughie, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately my Great Grandad passed away when I was still a youngster, possibly in the mid to late 1960's. I've no connections with those times still alive to ask about his mining career etc. One thing that sticks in my mind was his love of cricket and I believe he had connections with the Lepton Highlanders Cricket Club. Having not been over Lepton way for quite a few years, could you give me some idea of the location of the old colliery? I expect it may have been somewhere on the left hand side as you came down the hill from Grange Moor direction. I remember Ward Bros Transport premises on the side of the A642 through the village too. This was a photo taken at my Christening with my Great Grand Parents sometime back in 1960.


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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi Hughie, great report, very interesting.
My name is Peter Bailey and I am a volunteer for the National Coal Museum and I do tours around the site giving talks to visitors about various exhibitions. One of the tours I do is an off-site 2 mile circular walk following the mineral line, explaining how the coal was taken off site by steam powered pulleys. On the walk we stop and look into the distance where (if we squint) we can see the viaduct of the Flockton Tramway. I would like your permission to copy your photograph of the viaduct, but as it is copywrited am unable to do so. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of this please. I would be very grateful.
Peter Bailey


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Hi Hughie, great report, very interesting.
My name is Peter Bailey and I am a volunteer for the National Coal Museum and I do tours around the site giving talks to visitors about various exhibitions. One of the tours I do is an off-site 2 mile circular walk following the mineral line, explaining how the coal was taken off site by steam powered pulleys. On the walk we stop and look into the distance where (if we squint) we can see the viaduct of the Flockton Tramway. I would like your permission to copy your photograph of the viaduct, but as it is copywrited am unable to do so. Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of this please. I would be very grateful.
Peter Bailey
Sure, no problem Peter. Let me know where I can email it to you.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. My email is [email protected]
I hate to ask but I would appreciate the other pics in that report as well. We have a derelict pumping house on our route so would be nice to show them an example of what they would have looked like, size etc.
Once again thanks

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