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Report - - Sleeping in the Abandoned Hemsby Pontins (May 2019) | Leisure Sites |

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and my mate travelled up to Norfolk from London to go back to the holiday park we previously have been too. We wanted to film a video as a joke for our YouTube, and to document what would happen throughout the night in this place. I can only upload photos as this website does not let me post videos however I’m making a full video soon. We started at the beach where we made a small fire and then decided to head towards the park at around 12am. We successfully infiltrated the area and manage to avoid security and police. We wondered about for a while and it was very hard to see, was very bookey considering the huge fire that took place there. Had strong negative vibes hanging about the reception for too long. We found a chalet block hidden away by quite a lot of trees. It wasn’t smashed up like the others so we it was unlikely someone would find us. We laid out our sleeping bags and had a few fags and then attempted to go to sleep. It was until early hours of the morning I got frantically woken by my mate saying he heard footsteps running up and down the hallway outside the chalet. We checked and there was no one to be seen. We packed up and headed out where we spotted some geezas flying a drone. We decided to climb up the tower where we was hanging from the wires on the top and jumping in between the beams. We get thrill from doing stunts ahaha. I have an insta account where I posted a few vids and photos. The dark photos is where we were trying to be less bait and not get caught.


















Lolza Explores
28DL Full Member
That’s a pretty sick idea. Camping in an old holiday camp that you once had to pay to stay at and now for free. Just a bit more empty now!? Love it! It’s certainly got eery vibes however I felt pretty safe when I visited the site last year. I think because it’s such a big site you feel quite hidden from the rest of the world. Look forward to watching your YouTube video :) x


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That’s a pretty sick idea. Camping in an old holiday camp that you once had to pay to stay at and now for free. Just a bit more empty now!? Love it! It’s certainly got eery vibes however I felt pretty safe when I visited the site last year. I think because it’s such a big site you feel quite hidden from the rest of the world. Look forward to watching your YouTube video :) x
Cheers ahaha I’ll put the link on here when it’s done

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice, though its really big, I would of preferred to see much more of it photo wise. I don`t watch videos sorry. Ive stayed at a few derps. love it. Nice start, keep it going :cool:


Yeah bud be careful with Youtube here they're abit old school and dont really like it here, i also run my channel but have learnt to keep it off here and just stick to using this website for help for locations etc, honestly bud decent for staying there, but the place has fuck all security anymore its a dead zone due to be redeveloped very soon. We havedone a few over nights ourselves unless you believe in ghosts etc then there aint much to be scared of except your own imagination which we all know creates sounds from everywhere in the pitch black haha

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Yeah bud be careful with Youtube here they're abit old school and dont really like it here, i also run my channel but have learnt to keep it off here and just stick to using this website for help for locations etc, honestly bud decent for staying there, but the place has fuck all security anymore its a dead zone due to be redeveloped very soon. We havedone a few over nights ourselves unless you believe in ghosts etc then there aint much to be scared of except your own imagination which we all know creates sounds from everywhere in the pitch black haha

I could have phased that better tbh, I watch very few youtube videos of explores, only reason being the titles, the fast pace with camera etc. I don`t avoid youtube altogether, In fact I watch something on it daily. I also run 2 channels, not urban ones though. Nothing wrong with filming locations, but I think there is a separate section on here for them now, (dont quote me on that though lol, could be wrong, but it was discussed)

You are spot on re creating sounds and imagination, some scare themselves shitless, me, I love the quiet & darkness lol

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