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Report - Stoke Heath Camp (Shropshire, Mar, 2020)

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
I came across this while driving back from Shrewsbury a few weeks ago - one of quite a few military camp type places in Shropshire.

At first I thought it hadn’t been reported before, then later found a post with some pictures taken from outside the fence in 2010:

History. It was probably an accommodation/training camp for the former RAF Ternhill just up the road.

A few of the sheds have since been used for storage, some of the rest for farming but most are now pretty derelict.

All are due to be demolished for housing.

Not a great deal to see really - just another collection of WW2 era military huts in a field.


Looking at a detailed plan from a planning application it seems there are also a few bunkers which I missed completely.



Some typical dormitory-type sheds.




Each cubicle has what looks like a small shower base in a corner, which is lined with asbestos panels and has a chimney opening above.

These were presumably for heaters, maybe paraffin or coal.



Many of the sheds are just empty save for the odd piece of literature or signage.






Plenty of loos.



Shower block.



Why are physics text books always left in derps? They don’t write prefaces like this anymore.



Some sheds with water towers.






The main mess hall with storage rooms at the rear.




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Regular User
Looks as though it might have been used as an agricultural hostel in later life BUT that's unlikley at Stoke Heath as the military were still using it well into the 50's.
Two types of barrack huts (or dormitory sheds!). Four were four NCOs and these were partitioned, the rest for Other Ranks which wouldn't have been. NCOs didn't get much more space but they did have slightly more privacy and a bigger fuel ration.
The trays for the pot-belied stoves survive remarkably well at most old military sites...harder for idiots to smash than toilets are?
Other buildings on the site...NAAFI staff had their own sleeping quarters. Biggest buildings would be the NAAFI & Institute along with the dining rtoom with ration stores, vegetable store and office nearby these two big groups.
Picket post near the entrance, dispersed latrines and ablution block/drying room combination (with high level water tank and calorifier below).

Some of the Hospital site remains as part of the large farm over the road.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice wander, you just never know what may be there to shoot. All those sheds & that huge piece of land seems so wasteful. But you found some nuggets of the sites former uses. Signage, shower bases, door signs, all played a part in this sites former history. Nice one

The Man In Black

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice to see and considering it's and and out the way I was expecting it to be totally trashed and graffiti all over it, some nice little features n paperwork


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello folks
I was looking for some information on Stoke Heath and specifically on the RAF camp there and came across this post. So I joined! I wanted to reply to you about it. I realised a few days ago that although I have a large family tree for both my parents I'd never actually seen their marriage record. I knew the date and place so never seemed to need it. I just received it in the post. My father was a Corporal in the RAF and my mother was a Leading Aircraftwoman in the WAAF. On their marriage record it gives their address as Stoke Heath. They always talked about being based at Market Drayton but I think that was the nearest town. They married in the Registry Office in Whitchurch which is probably the nearest place with one. So you've provided me with pictures of where my mum and dad met. Thank you! I'm attaching their marriage record so you can see the evidence of what this place was used for yourselves. 😊

1947 Marriage William Douglas and Annie Maud Perry.jpg

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