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Trespass Law

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was once underneath the Westway in London quite legitimately taking pictures of where the CrossRail tunnel portals would be built and caught the attention of a passing police car. I was questioned and searched under Section 44 which, at the time covered large and unspecidfied areas of the city. The act was later modified as it was unreasonable to expect people to obey the act when it was impossible to know where it applied! Though (as far as I know) it now only applies to 'Government' sites, I would be very careful not to act suspiciously in the vicinity of one and not just avoid entering. Quick tip... If you want to attract less attention when doing a rece...Wear a high-vis jacket and carry a clipboard!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Noticed this article in the local rag of my spiritual home. ‘Intentional Trespass’ becoming a criminal offence, all be it this appears to be strongly focussed towards traveller camps.

Could this law also be applicable to our little pastime?



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had a read through the article earlier, it seems to focus on stopping traveller's from turning up on land they don't own and not ramblers or dog walkers accidently walking across a field.. However changing 'intentional' trespass from from a civil matter to a criminal could easily hook us within the that net of criminalisation. Hopefully it won't come to that but its worth thinking about..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Trespassing on the national rail network is a criminal offence and has been since 1840
I think we are all aware of trespass on the railway as a criminal matter.... This bill could 'could' open the doors to intentional trespass in other aspects.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Opps... Got caught today by the old bill (5 of em) having a look around a derelict flat in a council block that's due to be demolished.

Searched and obviously had some gloves on me but police took details and said they'd contact me in a few days for a voluntary statement before letting me and my exploring partner go. Witness sadly saw us accessing and called it in .

Advice please... Do police often follow up to take statements?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Personally, I was stopped once under section 60 for suspicion of going equipped to a burglary. They did a quick stop and search and let me on my way.

Tresspass obviously being a civil matter and being asked to give a 'voluntary statement' you might as well not worry about it for now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
> Tresspass obviously being a civil matter

Not for long... Criminal Trespass is making it's way onto the statute books at the moment.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
> Tresspass obviously being a civil matter

Not for long... Criminal Trespass is making it's way onto the statute books at the moment.
Yeah unfortunately, although it would keep the tour bus out of town if criminalisation of trespass were to make its way through


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am currently being threatened by a landowner. He emailed me after finding my photos online and said his solicitor has said their costs are £10'000 plus £1000 for landowners time and court costs plus fine. Apparently he has filed this...
As far as I know he doesn't have my address or any proof I was actually there other than photos I posted (not sure where, could even be lurking on here)
Anyone been in this situation?

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