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Trespass Law

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I am currently being threatened by a landowner. He emailed me after finding my photos online and said his solicitor has said their costs are £10'000 plus £1000 for landowners time and court costs plus fine. Apparently he has filed this...
As far as I know he doesn't have my address or any proof I was actually there other than photos I posted (not sure where, could even be lurking on here)
Anyone been in this situation?

Ignore it.

Keep the e-mail and if you get more from the landowner you could report it to both his ISP and the ICO as threatening e-mails.

IF you get (and it's VERY unlikley) a letter from a court then go to CAB and ask for advice. Nice round numbers plucked out of the air won't look good in court. Would a solicitor give an outright fixed cost for something when they don't know the work involved (time, preparing the case, time in court)?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ignore it.

Keep the e-mail and if you get more from the landowner you could report it to both his ISP and the ICO as threatening e-mails.

IF you get (and it's VERY unlikley) a letter from a court then go to CAB and ask for advice. Nice round numbers plucked out of the air won't look good in court. Would a solicitor give an outright fixed cost for something when they don't know the work involved (time, preparing the case, time in court)?

Not legal advice but I'm sure they have to prove an actual loss to claim anything against you. Being on the land and taking photos doesn't cost them anything unless you smashed the place up or left a gate open and live stock escaped.

Im sure other will comment on this.


Massive Member
Regular User
I am currently being threatened by a landowner. He emailed me after finding my photos online and said his solicitor has said their costs are £10'000 plus £1000 for landowners time and court costs plus fine. Apparently he has filed this...
As far as I know he doesn't have my address or any proof I was actually there other than photos I posted (not sure where, could even be lurking on here)
Anyone been in this situation?

Tell him to fuck off
He's got nothing on you


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
As Paul said tell him to fuck off.

all you have to ask yourself is did you break or damage anything ? If the answer is no then he can fuck off.

if he has left doors/windows open/unsecured then it’s his problem.

mid he thinks you’ve caused damage then he has to have proof,even if there is cctv if you answered “no” to above question then you have no issues.

Also name the place and get the tour bus in action


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I 100% did not break in or damage anything, I never ever do.
I went through a hole in a wire fence. I have told him he has nothing on me as I have not admitted being there nor can he prove I was other than pictures I posted which he screenshotted!

I'm sure you will know the place, they now do Tours and I think he has the hump because I didn't pay for the tour and just wandered in...
I told him if its apparently his home then he should make sure its secure and add some adequate signage!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am currently being threatened by a landowner. He emailed me after finding my photos online and said his solicitor has said their costs are £10'000 plus £1000 for landowners time and court costs plus fine. Apparently he has filed this...
As far as I know he doesn't have my address or any proof I was actually there other than photos I posted (not sure where, could even be lurking on here)
Anyone been in this situation?

Sounds like he's full of it. If he has really paid a solicitor £10k then I highly doubt he would be emailing you himself. Not to mention if it's a small claim then you're unlikely to get your legal fees paid even if you win, so he'd be a fool to have spent anything.

Although he could serve the documents via email without needing a physical address, as other posters have said, he'd have to prove a loss and he'd actually have to serve official documents on you rather than just an angry email.

99% sure you're absolutely fine.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yeah as mentioned above, wouldn't worry about it, unless you get court papers through the door just irgnore him. Unless he has proof of any damage, or theft of items then he can't really do much.
Also 10k is an awful lot to be throwing around, probably scare mongering if anything.

Keep the emails etc.. Just incase it does turn sour.

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