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Report - - Fulwood House, Sheffield - May 24 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Fulwood House, Sheffield - May 24

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A bit of history:

This site is a mix of different buildings, from an old Edwardian house to a multistorey tower block, 2 and 3 storey office blocks and some old flat roofed centre that reminded me of an old peoples home.

Built over a 100 year period the buildings here cover a wide patch that includes mature trees protected by preservation orders, public rights of way, green belt and the Fulwood Conservation area.
It was home to NHS Health and Social Care services but the trust says it no longer needs it.

Since the NHS has left the site it is due for demolition to make way for 132 apartments and 29 houses, all buildings at the site are set to be taken down bar the Edwardian Old Fulwood House - built in 1911 for a well-known local family who manufactured snuff - which will be converted as part of the scheme.

I can't find an exact date of closure but around 2020 i would say


I had pinned this a while back after seeing an article on a news site about it being redeveloped but didn't actually know if it was disused, I found myself with some free time on a nice sunny afternoon so decided to make the journey to check it out
It was indeed empty but seemed very secure with any low windows boarded up, vandal grease and barbed wire on any low roofs and heras fencing all around, plus 2 security guards in a cabin at the front, I made my way onto the site checking for any entry points but nothing seemed open, there was signs of vandal damage already - upper level smashed windows here and there and other items littered about the site, I thought i had got lucky but it was just a small corridor sealed off from the other 2 buildings either side of it so had to make my way to the lower buildings and check there, sneaking past where the guards were i had a look around the lower areas but still no access so decided to call it and retry a later date.

A few days later i tried again after remembering that some upper windows were open, I made my way back to the lower area hoping i'd be able to work my way through to the tower block which i really wanted to get in! Once i was in I was dissapointed to find it was mostly stripped and empty rooms other than a few where they seemed to have stacked everything up, making my way through the corridors toward the tower block i was gutted - it was sealed up from inside as well :( I had one last option to try, see if i could find any maintenance or pipe tunnels that lead into it, going down to the next floor I saw a little access door with pipes running through it, thinking this was the way i made my way in but it was a dead end with the pipes carrying on through a wall, as I was climbing back out i saw something pass the window - it was security walking around the outside of the buildings :eek: so after waiting it out for him to come back round to the other side and back into his cabin I made an escape to victory

























out of the probably 6 buildings here i only managed one but its quite big, really wanted to get into the high rise though but it seems impossible at the minute unless anyone knows otherwise, not really worth the effort getting in this part but would have been if the tower was accessible ;)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Shame no access to the old house. But look at all the waste again. That does annoy me. Re use and send to under funded nursing homes.