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Industrial Scales - The Most Exciting Thread Ever | Photo Threads |

Industrial Scales - The Most Exciting Thread Ever

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Useful Idiot
Regular User
Now I know it doesn't seem very exciting but during one of my pre work periods of boredom I started to look through some old photos, I spotted that I have a lot of photos that feature scales. They all seem to be in the same style and almost all of them are painted red.


1 - Buxton TMD (September 2015)


2 - North Wales Hospital (February 2015)


3 - Walkleys Clogs (October 2015)

There was also one at Ogdens in Liverpool but I wasn't able to get a shot of that.
(Possibly due to being shot at). ;)

mockney reject

Staff member
I'm liking this, my dad did his apprenticeship at Avery scales. Always had a soft spot for taking pics of them. I'll have to dig some out

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