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Question - What would you consider to be the worlds best (still current) explores?

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Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
The best explores are ones that are difficult and as such haven’t been tour bussed.
Or the ones that aren’t on here or any other exploring platform


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Everyone likes different things and explores for different reasons. It’s like one of those questions with no correct answer.


Ignorant Youth
One of my personal favourites is the Buran Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Only problem is it's been done to death on Instagram and other platforms ect. So that kind of takes the fun away in my eyes. As I keep seeing it pop up all the time its becoming less special. Its surely one of the most cool looking though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
One of my personal favourites is the Buran Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Only problem is it's been done to death on Instagram and other platforms ect. So that kind of takes the fun away in my eyes. As I keep seeing it pop up all the time its becoming less special. Its surely one of the most cool looking though.
Funny I thought this place would be really hard to do with lots of patrols etc. I guess it depends on the person, personally the photography comes before the explore I just love shooting derelict buildings. I would love to see this place.


Ignorant Youth
Funny I thought this place would be really hard to do with lots of patrols etc. I guess it depends on the person, personally the photography comes before the explore I just love shooting derelict buildings. I would love to see this place.

I'm pretty certain this place is difficult as it involves walking through a desert at night. It's just how many people have gone it fails to excite me as much as it used to. I see it pop up almost every day now on Instagram.

Regardless to that though its definitely a place I would go. It's just my reaction isn't the same as it used to be when I first came across the place.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
The ones you find yourself that hardly anyone else has done. And they don't have to be particularly spectacular. Admittedly these are few and far between these days. Aside from that, Sheffield Courts as we had to play the waiting game with that place and Shaw Brothers and Shek O mansion in Hong Kong are up there too, along with a few others I've not posted on here.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
For me, probably a toss up between predannack in Cornwall just from the avaition side of things, the site is/was quite unique. Having said that times moved on and many of the aircraft have disappeared. Other than that I would say probably some of derelict cities in Dubai, wouldn't mind going to Box or Swan mine in the near future though.

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
and that would be a very interesting place as it is also the location of the first British victory of the 1982 Falklands Conflict. An Argentinian Puma helicopter was shot down here and the Argentinian submarine Santa Fe was attacked by British helicopters from HMS Antrium and captured nearby. No British lives were lost. The helicopter wreck remains but the submarine was found to be of no use as a prize of war and was towed into deeper waters and scuttled.
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grumpy sod
Regular User
I'd have to go with Kings Park Asylum, Long Island USA. I see there is only one report on here for it, I will add one when I get a chance...

What would you say?

Kings Park is like the Denbigh of US asylums, there are so many vastly superior ones over there that aren't the ones splashed over other media websites like that. It's more a place for people to go party and throw stuff off the roof at cops than explore lol.

It's impossible to say what the best things to see in the world right now are as everyone has different tastes and opinions on what constitutes the best. Baikonur cosmodrome is definitely up there though.


Drama Queen
Staff member
I always fancied that whaling station on South Georgia. Its technically in the UK too so a good excuse!

Stick the nuclear lighthouse on the arse end of Russia on the list as well. Sorry if anyone opens up English Russia and loses the rest of the day to it..

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