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Question - what your biggest "oh s**t " moment?

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The Young One

Theres rust in my blood
28DL Full Member
Have you ever had a oh s**t moment while exploring if so then put your experience down below.

The Young One

Theres rust in my blood
28DL Full Member
im already on nerve as is and as soon as i hear something i am quite literally shitting myself.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Mine was years ago, back when I was a bit of a goon.
Me, @dansgas1000 and about 8 others all made the trek down to Essex one Friday night to look at the blood bank. Me and one other matey ended up driving, it absolutely hammered it down with rain all the way there, proper heavy rain.
We arrive at the area, driving about looking for suitable parking, found a lovely big empty car park and got out to scope it out on foot. Walked round the back of this massive building trying to find a way to the blood bank. Couldn't fathom it so walked out onto the main road.
Heard sirens in the distance, a police car came flying up and stopped right by us, got out and started questioning. Then another, and another, then a van. In the end I think there were 6 police cars and a van (and possibly a dog unit if I remember correctly) all in attendance.
We had only gone and parked in the grounds of some sort of active medical research facility which, just the day before, had travelers trying to break into so they were on incredibly high alert. Funnily enough they don't take kindly to a group of Norfolk yutes poking about their facility at near midnight.
They were understanding but it didn't go without a full search of my car, taking my name and checking me on the police computer ect.
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grumpy sod
Regular User
Falling through the third floor of a rotten hotel in upstate New York. It's true that time slows down in situations like that because I distinctly remember having enough time to think 'oh shit this is bad' as the floor disappeared beneath my feet.


Proud Welsh
28DL Full Member
Me and @A-DOG got into a building and security must have heard/seen us, police and security circling the site and the only way out was being watched. Had about a 3 min time window when security were lapping the building where we could drop from the roof. Definitely not the best moment



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was in the basement of a boring abandoned playboy house in Bron (Czech). I turned the corner and there was a man who'd hung himself a few feet in front of me. I ran off like a little girl.

Or in second place. We were questioned by the Israeli army as we'd got to the Gaza strip missile defence system (by accident). It was going okay until they asked are you spies or journalists we laughed at this and said no. Then when searched us they found my partners Press Pass the police were called and we were arrested. We'd never really considered her a journalist as its just something she does when it interests her 🙈
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Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
From the top of my head, going through the floor at Shoreham and only staying up by my camera tripod is a notable example.

Others to note:
- Walking through a drain then realising that there were snakes inside. Didn't really fancy finding out if it was an adder.
- Nearly falling head first into a sink at Bassaleg Mortuary whilst solo.
- Nearly falling between a set of airstairs and an aircraft.
- Shredding my trouser leg off, and almost off my leg, just as I got into St Joseph's seminary on a very cold spring-day.
- Standing on a slate roof attempting to get into St Joe's whilst it was raining, only for it to be further "enhanced" by the sounds of the roof beams failing along with a few tiles.
- Dangling from a fence upside down with no way of getting down. (numerous occasions)
- Getting pinned to the ground by the worlds angriest security guard who threatened me with "shut up you f-cking c-nt! Or I'll let the dog on ya" and then followed up "you move, and ill f-cking nail ya!". (I still have the audio of the ordeal). The "oh shit" part of this was seeing his van rock up.
- Having the armed response turn up when we were checking out a recently closed, at the time, private hospital. What made it worse is we thought they were security so our decision was to leg it...
- The fast-moving headlights that very quickly appeared behind us down a disused track when leaving a site we had spent well over 12hrs within. This became a double "oh shit" when we crossed into a field and spooked a mare and foal...

There's a few more but they're either mentioned in reports or I've forgotten.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Parked in an industrial park to explore a building beside it, came back to find the gate locked shut......miles from home on a sunday afternoon, couldn't get in touch with anybody from any of the businesses on there either :eek:

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