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Your Top Worst Explores

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g00n Buster
Staff member
@albino-jay Fawley is definitely up there for me as well, that security gaurd was a right bellend, the look on the old Bills faces was funny when they found out where we'd all driven from though.



Also that river in Birmingham we did (can't remember the name) with Rob, the exolore was ok but I took a dunk and spent the rest of the day soaked haha.


Also Raf Upwood, dunno what we expected but loads had gone before us so we decided to have a mooch, a rubbish site and caused grief a week later when cid turned up at the house, deffinitley not worth the effort.

yeah Fawley although not a shit site that security guard and us just being noobs was a fuck up and a half lol

i completely forgot about you taking a dunk in Birmingham hahahaha that was piss funny


28DL Full Member
How the hell did that happen after Upwood of all places.

Some guys came out the live part next door, we managed to give them the slip but they had already taken the car reg, they turned up a week later at the house, I was at work when cheryl phoned me up in a panic, they thought we were terrorists scoping out the army base lol


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
Not the worst explore as such as it was very good, but haslar hospital. For myself being a near 21stone was trying to squeeze myself through a tiny gap in a previously broken and poorly boarded window, it was very discomforting getting stuck with abit of wood wedged in your groin with one of my friends trying to move my jacket and trousers about and pull me in (ouch) when I realised I wasnt going to fit and got back out we realised the window next to It was open just pushed closed :banghead in we went and enjoyed a good explore after that


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Regulary cut or graze myself, recently sliced my hand badly at Glossop hospital but apart from those incidents the worst so far was having a 3 prong fence nearly go through my hand at wade ceramics climbing into what turned out to be sealed area and had to climb out again then not long after I fell through the top floor of the same place.
All very good lessons learnt.
I don't tend to get to play cat and mouse often but a few years ago I wasted multiple trips and hours trying to get by the club bouncers behind Sheffield courthouse and there was a hide and seek game with security at wh Shaw.
Late one night at matlock dye works there was someone or somthing climbing about over the crap in the shadows but I never saw anyone. I filmed it and you can hear someone moving around but when the torch goes in that direction there is nothing there, sort of took the fun out of the explore.
All pretty boring really.
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Got boarded in one of the buildings (don't recall which) at the Father Hudson's society in Coleshill way back, booting a board off was noisy and took ages but got away unscathed in the end. Also on another visit to that place managed to fall off the top of a fence whilst the police were shouting at us and I got my leg caught on a spikey bit so was stuck upside down, mildly embarrassing.

Getting chased by the bull at Berkyn manor was an interesting experience too.

Obviously the Shirburn castle debacle was pretty shit.

Aside from the more dramatic occasions there's been plenty of crap explores, generally down to the places just being absolute wrecks, thankfully most of the time those haven't required considerable effort to see.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Actually Fawley is a good story for us too, just not a fail really. Drove there through the night one bank holiday Monday, no idea if it was even still there let alone what state it would be in. Pleasently suprised to get there and find it still intact and with little more than a chainlink fence. We got in easy, first door we came to was open, control room deserted, had best part of the day in there. We were just contemplating leaving via the chimney but clebby wanted to check out the lower floors of the control block first. Walking back down the aerial walkway we spotted security doing his rounds outside. He didnt see us but i thought it was strange he was checking doors as id assumed they were all just open like the first one we came too. We debated what to do but decided to keep going as he looked to have already done the control block and we thought it more likely to bump into him on the way out by the chimney. Well we made the wrong choice. Two steps towards the control room and he pops out of a side door inside and we had nowhere to go. He gave it the biggin, proper ex military guy etc. Wouldn't normally have worried but Clebby has found a key to the chimeny and had it in his pocket. We were a bit worried he would try and use it against us with the police so clebby was trying to slyly extract it from his pocket as the guy marched us down the corridor. Bloke wasnt having any of it tho and kept shouting to keep our hands where he could see them.. he lead us to an office and we sat down clebby simultaneously slipping the key out of his pocket and tucking it down the side of the chair cushion. Mr Security spotted that tho so he makes us stand up and starts frantically dismantling the chair and of course finds said key... We pretend we dont know what it is. Job done kind of... after a while he calms down and gives us a tour of the bottom floors. We sat for an hour or so waiting for the police and hes actually fairly friendly now telling us stories about base jumpers jumping of the chimney and setting his dog on pikeys in the tunnels etc.The station manager turns up in his car next. Didnt think he would be too happy to be called out on this day off but he seemed more excited and offered us tours and what not.. A lone police woman eventually turns up pretty oblivious to why she was even there. Doesnt care one bit searches my bag. No problem. Searches clebbys bag.. pulls a dildo out one of the side pockets! Cue some funny looks from pretty much everyone.. capped off a fun day tho.. why did clebby have a dlido in his bag? I have no idea
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Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
My worst explore has to be the first one I posted on this site. The Cooper Shelter in Paulsgrove. It was interesting, but it wasn't worth the climb up the cliff, given how small the place was.
The part where things went tits-up was getting back down. I couldn't find the holes to put my feet in to get back down the cliff, and ended up shimmying along the cliff for about 10 metres. One misplaced step and I went down arse-first. Luckily I fell only about 2 metres onto a sort of gravel pile, and slid all the way down at pretty high speed, just missing a big branch that would've given the crown jewels a very friendly poke.
I remember going home on the bus with chalk all over me. My old coat still smells chalky.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
Being naked in St Saviours church on my own then hearing someone try the door
Luckily the muppets didn't turn the handle and pull or it would have been pretty awkward
haha just been reading a report of that place just before reading this! but very lucky escape

Reminds of the first time of me at Liverpool Uni trying to push in the door for an entire minute before awkwardly hiding around the corner thinking why it wouldn't open, Until i realised i had to pull it instead of push it. Not my proudest moment
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Torch Wavker
Regular User
haha just been reading a report of that place just before reading this! but very lucky escape

Reminds of the first time of me at Liverpool Uni trying to push in the door for an entire minute before awkwardly hiding around the corner thinking why it wouldn't open, Until i realised i had to pull it instead of push it. Not my proudest moment

I squeezed through a very small window at an old Asylum (can't remember which one, they all involved a squeeze at some point), that with my height was a complete bugger to get through, to only discover that the window in the next room was complete missing.


grumpy sod
Regular User
I squeezed through a very small window at an old Asylum (can't remember which one, they all involved a squeeze at some point), that with my height was a complete bugger to get through, to only discover that the window in the next room was complete missing.

We've all been there at some point, late last year I went through a seriously tight squeeze into an old RAF bunker, walked through it and found the door on the other end was completely missing.


Camera Drowner
Regular User
I've had plenty of Meh explores, ones I walk into and don't even bother to get my camera out. The only ones worth mentioning are ones where things have a gone a little wrong.

First one that comes to mind was Clock House brickworks back in December of 2016. Me and @Brewtal decided that xmas eve would be a great day to have a crack at it as we figured secca would either not be there, or wouldn't give two shits. Well we were quite right about that as even though security was still sat in their little hut we didn't see them once.

It was the access getting in that involved a 9ft palisade that we managed to get in, but getting back out again I slipped on the fence and almost impaled myself on the triple spikes. Fortunately the time of the year meant I had multiple layers and thick coat on that took most of the brunt. Did leave my self with a nice big cut right below my nipple. Whoops.

However it was the trip to the Portsmouth fuel bunker were I had an unexpected swim with my camera is grotty oily water, that was my least enjoyable moment. It was also around November so it wasn't exactly warm weather. Shame as the fuel bunkers are a pretty nice explore!




Fun times indeed :p


28DL Full Member
The oil reserve is savage, I feel abit better about falling into a shitty stream now after seeing that.

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