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Hello there! I`m a new member! A pleasure to be a part of this community! | New Members Introduction |

Hello there! I`m a new member! A pleasure to be a part of this community!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi guys! Ahab here!
Just recently started to feel interested by urban exploration!
I have no previous experience, except from when I used to train parkour. Me and my colleagues explored some urban points but never took pictures because the focus was learning the moves. However, some time after I left the group I began training on my own...and started to feel naturally drawn to the idea of using parkour to explore new places (with respect and as safely as possible).
Of course, Urbex is a whole new world and and I'm happy to find this community! I think it`s important for urban explorers to be in a group! It's more fun and safer!
Take care of yourselves out there!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Hey, welcome along. Glad to read you're aware of the dangers from your two hobbies meeting. You should be good at access lol.
Look forward to some reports.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Welcome along, I so wish I could do parkoor, I love watching it & often think some of them guys would be so helpful exploring lol.
Unfortunately though my mind wants to do it my body disagrees these days!


Staff member
Welcome to the forum. The guy who really got me into all this in the first place did parkour and I can say the two compliment eachother rather well in terms of accessing spots that might otherwise be out of reach!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Welcome to the forum. The guy who really got me into all this in the first place did parkour and I can say the two compliment eachother rather well in terms of accessing spots that might otherwise be out of reach!
True! And that's why it's a good thing I've found this forum. Being able to access spots without the information I've found here could have been very dangerous! Planning my first report by the way (I`ve been visiting a site)! Thank you all for the welcome!