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Report - - Morlais Tunnel / Morlais Junction / The Miler - March 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Morlais Tunnel / Morlais Junction / The Miler - March 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A recent adventure - The Morlais Tunnel, also commonly known as Morlais Junction or The Miler.

I have walked The Miler previously, when I was around 16 years of age when myself and my friends used it as a shortcut when we were late home - although, it never seemed as eery back then.
History research has shown me that the tunnel opened in 1874 and was built to link Brecon with Merthyr and the London & North Western railway. In 1876, a gentleman called Rees Jones who was one of the sinkers working on the shafts was found guilty of stealing two waistcoats off the washing line of a man called Henry Downes. After being found guilty, he was sentenced to hard labour and 21 days in prison. The last train to run through the Morlais Tunnel was the 8:30pm train on 4th January 1958. Due to the high and mighty of the area driving stolen cars into the tunnel and burning them out, walls were built across both entrances to the tunnel and access doors were closed up, although there are access holes (as shown in both entrance photos).

Thoroughly enjoyed reading about the history of the Miler, and would recommend that anybody who is visiting the Merthyr area and has the time, takes a look around. Amazing piece of history!




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Baggy trousers

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's a great first report that! Love a tunnel too. That car looks like it used to be an escort xr3i, I stand to be corrected tho.

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