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General - St. Margaret's Bay Cliff Complex

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The beach at St Margaret's was seen as a possible landing place for an invasion fleets, so was well defended during the war and this tunnel system still remains. The powerful gun batteries were located close by. The tunnel appears to have been dug to allow guns to be placed in rooms cut into the cliff face, to cover the beach for any invasion. The original entrance to the tunnel is located at the end of the esplanade. It is now sealed and the only access is a rope up to the machine gun post in the cliff face. Inside, conditions are good and the majority of the tunnel is lined with tin on the roof and supported by bricks. Parts of the tunnel which are unlined still appear to be sound, although steps lead up to a second room, which has been lost due to erosion but you can get a great view once climbed up but beware of loose chalk rock. & pigeons which use it they fly at you out of nowhere & spiders at the entrances.











Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice one. But this really belongs in the underground section ;) . If this is the one I think it is, well done on entry, not sure if its the other St Margarets` deep shelter though.

If its the harder one to access, big kudos. But Id be careful with future wording re entry though.

I really would love to do this one, though limitations etc stop me. So a really big well done, and nice one on doing something Ive wanted to do for so long now. :thumb


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Cracking little spot this, my first visit here where im crap with climbing down things safely i just jumped down onto the beach, not something that would be very wise to do these days as the shingle has washed out


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just a polite reminder that you need to access this while the tide is going out. You don't want to stuck in their when the tide comes in you'll be in their for hours. :cool:

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