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Report - - The State Cinema, Grays, Aug 23 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - The State Cinema, Grays, Aug 23

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g00n Buster
Staff member

The building itself was designed by architect F. G. M. Chancellor who had been bequeathed Frank Matcham & Co., from Matcham upon his death in 1920. Chancellor also owned Frederick's Electric Theatres Company. The State Cinema was built at a cost of £100,000 and twenty houses in George Street were demolished to make room for it. It became one of the largest cinemas in Essex, and featured air conditioning and an illuminated Compton Organ. It also had full stage facilities enable it to change into a fully functioning theatre or live entertainment venue. The cinema opened its doors at 7:30pm on Monday 5 September 1938 showing the film The Hurricane.

In the 1970s the first signs of possible closure reared its head, the stalls were closed off, cuts to staffing were made and the organ fell silent. A campaign was launched to keep the cinema open and the then owners, Mecca Leisure Group, decided to spend £20,000 on improvements to bring audiences back to the old cinema.

In 1982 work began to restore the old organ by a group of volunteers who later became known as "Friends of the State", eight weeks later music was again heard in the building and a series of Sunday afternoon concerts were held, many of which were attended by recording enthusiasts who wanted to capture the sounds of the unique organ.

The building remained unaltered throughout its life as a cinema, perhaps due in part to its location or not demanding further screens. Once again falling audiences, possibly due to the development of multi-screen cinemas and the rising popularity of video film rental saw the State threatened with closure in the mid 1980s. Owners Mecca eventually left the building, a closing night event was held on 5 September 1988 and the film that opened the cinema 50 years ago to the day was shown once more.

The land and the cinema were earmarked for redevelopment and bulldozers were soon brought in, however a preservation order was quickly sought and the State became a Grade II listed building preventing its demolition.

After the closure the cinema was handed over to a small independent operator who in 1989 rebadged the building "The Grays State Theatre". Films continued to be shown and organ concerts were once again a feature of the programme as was the £1 entry ticket. Alas, the business model didn't provide enough income to sustain the cinema and it closed again soon after.

In 1991 the building again came back into use, this time as a wine bar and nightclub called Charlestons. It opened at 8:30pm on Thursday 28 January and included live music from The Merseybeats and Dave Berry and the Cruisers. More live music, a number of variety and film shows plus several boxing matches were held at the venue, and the club also saw the return of the Sunday organ concerts. The club lasted for seven years before closing in 1998.

The local council received a planning application in August 1998 from the Peniel Pentecostal Church to establish a church in the now disused building. The application was dismissed early the following year as was the subsequent appeal.

In February 2000 the Thurrock Heritage Forum approached English Heritage to suggest that the listing on the cinema be upgraded and on 28 June 2000 the building was reclassified as Grade II* to preserve the art-Deco interior.

The same month Thurrock Council gave planning permission to supermarket chain Morrisons to build a store on the State's old car park after purchasing the site for £10 million. Promises were made to Thurrock Council that Morrisons continue the upkeep of the cinema and restore the old building; to that end after an inspection in June 2001 revealed some water damage Morrisons sealed the leak to prevent any further damage.

In 2003 Morrisons conducted a survey of the State and found the cinema still to be "structurally in sound condition and built to a good standard." The report continues "of major concern however, is the damage being caused to the building by water ingress through defective roof covering and through the walls due to a defective rainwater drainage system and cracked or missing mortar caps to walls" and "many of the internal fixtures and fittings are also suffering decay due to the water ingress." The report concludes "whilst alternatively it may be possible to patch those areas of the roof which are suffering most acutely, the problem will tend to progressively develop elsewhere as other areas of the roof finishes perish" and "on the auditorium roof repair of the gutter linings alone is not considered sufficient as leaks are also occurring through other areas of the roof."

The building ceased to be part of Morrisons plans once the supermarket was complete and was sold in October 2006 amid criticism about its upkeep. The new owners, TSP Properties Ltd, purchased the State for £550,000 and although the company stated that it wouldn't be used as a cinema again they wished to redevelop it into a new leisure hub. The following year the gutters outside were replaced temporarily to prevent further water damage however it was discovered that the roof was desperate need of repair.

Several campaigns have taken place over recent years to highlight the state of the cinema and to kick-start a restoration. The most recent campaign pressured the current owners to release a statement to BBC Radio Essex on 11 February 2008 claiming that they had worked with English Heritage and the building was now watertight, dry and clean inside and the organ had been fully restored.

However more recent investigations by members of the Save the State campaign have found that the roof does in fact still leak (as of March 2008 when a council inspection was undertaken) and that although the organ works to a certain extent, it has not been "fully restored". The organ is now in a very poor condition after a burglary in July 2011 in which most of its original metal pipes and fittings were stolen.

Whetherspoons had it at one point, stripped it out and then seem to have given up on it.

The Explore

Tourbus spec, was doing the rounds on the usual socials. Working down south for the night one of my jobs didn’t materialize. So an early dart, and @Sprinks at a loose end we thought we’d head over to Essex.

Had a quick look around the back thinking that has to be the way in, surely. Nope. Walk around the front and the window was swinging in the wind, on the high street and had been for a few weeks. Unbelievable. Just as we were about to clamber through, a face appeared from within. “Hi mate, do you want me to open the door for ya?

Considering I was still nursing a dislocated knee from being a bell end on some roller blades “Yes mate, yes I would”

That was about it really. The two lads who let us in we never saw again and had the place to ourselves until we left and bumped into some mega G00nagio for strings, thermo urban fox cub sausage and some trilby wearing muppet. Shows how popular it was at this time.


I’ll start off with some old uns. We all know how much of a sucker I am for some old pics.



And today



It was used for the cinema scenes in the classic “Who framed Roger Rabbit”

There he is with Bob Hoskins.


And it was also used in the epic music video for Jamiroquai’s Godzilla soundtrack banger. Deeper Underground, where Godzilla busts out of the screen and carnage ensues.






















Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Great explore and pictures mate 👍

But jeez, calling Thermogoon 'mate' must have left a bitter taste that even eating pigeon shit wouldn't have removed.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Nice to see some different angles on it, the detail shots are really nice. Big fan of those then and now comparisons too. Where is Grass though? :p

Cheers mate. I thought I’d changed it before anyone noticed 😂

I can't believe you had the honour of meeting Matthew urban fox cub Hooper, I'm seriously jealous.

I know. My own fault for hangin around outside with my tripod getting externals. I didn’t even realise who it was until Matt said.

Some great now and then shots.
Cheers Mikey

Great explore and pictures mate 👍

But jeez, calling Thermogoon 'mate' must have left a bitter taste that even eating pigeon shit wouldn't have removed.
It was two aisan lads i called mate who let us in. Thermo whopper pestered us outside i don’t think i said a single word to him he just went off on one showing us pictures on his phone.

Goonagio for strings is a next level phrase

😍 💪🏻

Pic of trilb goon below



grumpy sod
Regular User
Cheers mate. I thought I’d changed it before anyone noticed 😂

I know. My own fault for hangin around outside with my tripod getting externals. I didn’t even realise who it was until Matt said.

Cheers Mikey

It was two aisan lads i called mate who let us in. Thermo whopper pestered us outside i don’t think i said a single word to him he just went off on one showing us pictures on his phone.

😍 💪🏻

Pic of trilb goon below


Potentially some goon called Lewis Merrin I think


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Cracking set of images, the only thing I remember from here is the depth of pigeon shit covering the floors.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice report. The comparison photos really show how much they kept of the original ceiling, walls etc and just changed colours etc. Really enjoyed this 👍

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
If you saw them outside after you should of took a page from their book and sealed up the way in so they couldn't get in 😂

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