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Report - - Tone Mills, Wellington (April 2013) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Tone Mills, Wellington (April 2013)

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Ok, came across 28DL while researching some local stuff, and was kind of blown away with some of the reports! Therefore, I resolved to visit Tone Mills as it's right on my doorstep.
Not going to add the history of the site as you've all read it before, and not adding too many photo's as most angles have been well covered (plus I only had my iPhone with me).
The major interest for me is that my Nan started working for the Fox brothers in 1914, although I'm fairly sure she worked at the Tonedale Works site nearby. However its inconceivable that in her 30 odd year service there, she wouldn't have visited this place. My Mother also worked at Tonedale.
Once inside, and once my ticker slowed a little :eek:I became totally absorbed with the place. I cannot imagine how noisy it would have been with all the machinery running at full tilt. Also cannot think how hot it would have been on a sunny day with all that glass in the roof.
Before I knew it, 90 minutes had passed, so I made my way out. Took a little stroll and came across a mill pond with a couple of chimney type structures with a nice long ladder leading to the top. Had a quick look around there and then left the site.

My first report, be kind eh :D


Loved these trollies








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