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Trespass Law

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28DL Memb3r
28DL Full Member
i would just like to add , to this , being a street /urban photographer I have done alot of research on taking pictures /filming ..I would advise anyone being approached by police to film the conversation , it is perfectly legal and seems to keep police from lying to you , they have no right to look at your images or delete your images . When talking to the police , be polite and state you are filming for your own safety , ask them why they are talking to you , and if they say you are committing an offence , ask them to name the section of law that applies . Do not swear or shout or square up , this can be classed as behaviour likely to cause alarm of distress , finally do not go into conversation in a friendly manner as you may slip up , just ask " am I being detained " if the answer is no , then ask "am i free to go " ...keep asking the question until you get a favourable answer .

from an on paper legal point of view yes, however from the videos I have seen that followed this it kinda wound the cop up the wrong way and didnt go too well. personally I'd try and talk out of it off camera first, if I felt the cop was going to be a dick no matter what then yeah film it, but although perfectly legal it doesnt get things off to the best start. This is especially true in the context of exploring, yes we may not be breaking criminal laws, but trespass is still against civil laws we have no given right to be the places we go, and cops have every right to be suspicious of us. I'm not saying bend over and let them do as they wish but try and stay on a happy middle ground.

Danny Sheppard

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yeah it seems to be a running theme ,be polite and explain what you are doing and if its a "good cop" you should be ok , i always have a business card on me with my webby and addy on also . I have a couple of coppers into photography and they are always willing to give me advice on what i can and cant get away with , so any questions you may have pass on and i will ask them .


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
I have a couple of coppers into photography and they are always willing to give me advice on what i can and cant get away with , so any questions you may have pass on and i will ask them .

Isn't that moving along the lines of seeking permission to be somewhere? If we ask cops what we can and can't do surely it takes something out of the places we're trying to see and the experience; that's from my perspective anyway.


Stay Safe
Staff member
Most 'Government' Building of note will have notices telling you what you can and cannot do, and as OT says most are not covered with any particular law or by-law and that includes MoD land that in most parts are no more protected than say the local job centre which is Government Land! The trick is to know which is which!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
if its not too serious you could explain yourself as an urban explorer preparing a report which is fairly true it may get you off with a wigging it may not but well worth a try


Yung explorer
28DL Full Member
if its not too serious you could explain yourself as an urban explorer preparing a report which is fairly true it may get you off with a wigging it may not but well worth a try
Personally i wouldn't mention about putting up a report. Security guards are there to stop this from happening. I slyly mentioned this and the guard became more hostile, so just say you're a photographer.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'd never ever say that. Just an amateur historian taking some pictures...

Hi OT!

Well, that is strange, I got questioned by Police Officers, they was peeved that they had to come get us on a Saturday at 11pm, But they let us go, they seemed pretty "Oh, you are those guys who go into buildings and such"

So they seem to know of us. He Explained the Trespass Act (which we knew about) then that was it.

So this boils down to the Officer-s you bump into... So anyways,

Off we went!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi everyone, the other night me and a friend got caught exploring a construction site in south London and got taken to the station for suspicion of burglary, even though we had no tools for entry or stolen/damaged anything, only camera equipment. We spent a night in a cell and got let out the next day with a no further action once they realised what we were doing. I'm 17 and my friend is in his 20's. would you say doing abandoned places and rooftopping is still fine for me or do you think I shouldn't carry on? What are police likely to do this time if I get caught?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

You are simply committing civil trespass, that is all. So with no motive for theft, they are wasting there time for pushing charges..

So as long as you are curtious and polite, you are fine..

From first hand exp with being held up by police, they let me n. Friend go once they took details, didn't even search us, as I had Helmet with Camera and torches n such.


( . Y . )
Regular User
so nothing different is likely to happen this time? what about charged for wasting police time?

They're the ones wasting their own time really, though of course never say that. Any officer that acts incredulous to what you're doing is chatting shit as exploring is so prevalent now that it's almost impossible they haven't at least heard of it.

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