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Trespass Law

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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Just a thought I've had,
Would taking a minor on an explore change it to leading a minor astray or whatever the technical term for it is.
No real reason for asking other than interest but I did take my god son out with his dad a couple years ago when he was only 15.
I presume as you're not committing a criminal act you can't be leading someone astray but I wondered if anyone knew for sure.

There's a lot of posts missing from this thread, lots of quotes of posts not there lol.


grumpy sod
Regular User
Just a thought I've had,
Would taking a minor on an explore change it to leading a minor astray or whatever the technical term for it is.
No real reason for asking other than interest but I did take my god son out with his dad a couple years ago when he was only 15.
I presume as you're not committing a criminal act you can't be leading someone astray but I wondered if anyone knew for sure.

There's a lot of posts missing from this thread, lots of quotes of posts not there lol.

If you're legally of an adult age and you're out with a child or someone who isn't classed as legally an adult then it's your responsibility for that person's safety. It's a fairly grey area but if caught and the police were involved they may decide to pursue child endangerment charges against you as what we do is usually inherently dangerous in the eyes of the law and the condition of some of the buildings we explore. Personally now I'm all grown up (ha) I'd never choose to explore with a younger child because it's an extra layer of risk and responsibility.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
If you're legally of an adult age and you're out with a child or someone who isn't classed as legally an adult then it's your responsibility for that person's safety. It's a fairly grey area but if caught and the police were involved they may decide to pursue child endangerment charges against you as what we do is usually inherently dangerous in the eyes of the law and the condition of some of the buildings we explore. Personally now I'm all grown up (ha) I'd never choose to explore with a younger child because it's an extra layer of risk and responsibility.

Have been thinking this myself for sometime. I take my lad out (14) sometimes but am always careful where I take him but know others who do a ot more dangerous stuff with kids of similar age!
Its a difficult one, I want him to have an interest in exploring but always tough saying to him "no u cant go there its too dangerous"


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Well to be honest we had the water works (yes from a 15 yo) scared of his own shadow, it was a simple walk in we did but I think he went home having had fun in the end but it was the first and last time for me lol. His dad was responcible for him but not much help lol.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was seen at a place yesterday by a police officer he asked what I was doing there i explained to him I go places I take pictures if there’s a way into the building il go inside look around and take pictures he told me that’s breaking and entering I explained no I’m not breaking nothing to gain entry it’s trespassing he told me even if the door was unlocked and I pushed it open or a window then it’s breaking and entering? Can anyone who knows anything on this clear this up? Thanks


Sore Knee
Regular User
Sounds like scare tactics or ignorance in my opinion. I would have just apologised for wasting their time but that you didn't break anything. If they cared to show you what you had broken that you would voluntarily talk with the owner right there and then and settle the damage. Honestly, I think the law is more that you could turn it around and say you wandered into an insecure area and got hurt and wish to get compensation.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
He did say there’s a few ways we can deal with this and I asked which are? I leave now? And what other ways? He just said leave now and I advise you not to return again so we left

One of my old mates auntie had her shed broke into years ago going back about 15 years and the person who fell through the roof landed awkward and broke his foot I’m sure he managed to get compensation from it

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
He did say there’s a few ways we can deal with this and I asked which are? I leave now? And what other ways? He just said leave now and I advise you not to return again so we left

One of my old mates auntie had her shed broke into years ago going back about 15 years and the person who fell through the roof landed awkward and broke his foot I’m sure he managed to get compensation from it

This country is a joke, we are becoming like America's mini me!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This country is a complete joke, there’s people who get sent to jail for defending themselves because apparently they used excessive force after they’ve just got attacked from behind for no reason then the attacker gets his face beat in to me that’s dam fair lol! Then there’s sick twisted vile peados who get a slap on the wrist absolute joke of a country


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
That officer was talking shit, read the legal thread for more info.
Doesn't mean he wouldn't have wasted an hour or so of your time though.
He actually had no juristiction or authority, its a civil matter and the police are not there to judge civil matters, who was he acting on behalf of? theres no criminal activity going on, he had no reason to stop. You were 100% correct in your understanding of the law, he wasnt.
If confronted I say I'm just looking round, at a last resort ill say I'm taking pictures as its my hobby but I don't offer that up easily. After that the usual response from me is why? do you expect me of committing a crime. If pushed ill say im looking around the place to buy it, anything on the market comes with permission from the estate agents (it normally says anyone with a copy of the details is allowed to look round). If they ask who gave permission i go the route of asking if they suspect me of a crime and what that crime is and what evidence they have.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
He made me actually laugh he said to us this place is being watched by the neighbours I said what neighbours it’s just fields I honestly think for a moment he forgot where he was it’s on a main road so yea there is a lot of passing traffic but there’s literally not another house anywhere in site unless you get back in your car and drive for a good few minutes up the road

Guess he was just a jobsworth he had abit of an attitude on him to

Bando Exploration

Ins unbekannte wagen
28DL Full Member
When exploring just be wary oc your surroundings and dont do anythings to arouse suspicion no questions asked.✌

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