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  1. dansgas1000

    Report - Various Pump Houses, Multiple UK Locations - 2024

    Introduction @JakeV50 and I have explored numerous pumping stations and water infrastructure sites over the last couple of years, searching for interesting finds. While many are undocumented, they’re often not the most exciting locations due to their size. Some visits were unsuccessful, others...
  2. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Sculthorpe Bulk Fuel Installation, Norfolk - August 2024

    Introduction I have always seen this small selection of buildings from the main road when visiting Sculthorpe, but stupidly have always disregarded them as empty buildings without taking a look. @Mikeymutt mentioned that he had had a look and discovered that the buildings had some nice pumping...
  3. dansgas1000

    Report - Flitcham Hall Pump House (Old & New), Norfolk - August 2024

    Introduction Life has got in the way recently so I haven’t been doing much exploring this summer, so I haven’t been on full form. I’m hoping I will now have some more time to get some more bits done over the next few months. This was one of a couple of sites I checked out up in North Norfolk...
  4. dansgas1000

    Report - Water Treatment Works, Denbighshire - May 2023

    Introduction This is one of a few places that myself and @V50jake visited on our trip to Wales at the beginning of May. I’ve driven past this a few times before not paying much attention to it as it looked like an old farm building or derpy house, but we decided to take a closer look and as it...