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Report - - Baglan Bay Power Station - Port Talbot - South Wales - July 2023 | UK Power Stations | Page 2 |

Report - Baglan Bay Power Station - Port Talbot - South Wales - July 2023

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grumpy sod
Regular User
I took another look yesterday. Contractors are on site 7 days a week ripping down metal work with mechanical jaws. There's a security caravan parked near the entrance of the site. I didn't have my drone but I think they've chopped the stairs off the main external staircase so not a lot left to access there now.

Are they legit or are they the well organised pikeys haha


g00n Buster
Staff member
The guys we bumped into said they were the demo team. 😂 they definitely weren’t.

They weren’t armed with big machine choppers though just a load of Stihl saws 😂


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I called by on Sunday and there were no contractors there. Just security. I think the two vans on the main site were unmanned and they were sitting under a gazebo by the gate. I had a walk round the compressor buildings. The main building can be accessed, not sure what stairs are left. No need for me to visit because I've seen it all before.


Bajo Tierra
Regular User
Just the tower standing im told.


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