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Report - - Casino Royale 747 Dunsfold 18/03/07 | Other Sites |

Report - Casino Royale 747 Dunsfold 18/03/07

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28DL Full Member
Had my eye on this for a while.
This is the 747 that was used in the latest bond film. These thing’s are bloody huge when you get under one. Note the strange engines, I’m sure they don’t normally have those ones. Sorry for the poor quality of the photos but it was very, very dark and windy there, this night photography is all new to me.:eek:



There was also a Harrier and this plane, sure you guys can tell me what it is.


Fell over this thing, scared the crap out of me, thought I was being attacked by an alien.:eek: I think it’s a mike for the Top Gear show.

Didn’t hang around too long as I was on my own and was starting to hear strange noises. The tail rudder was loose on the 747 and would make a loud bang as it moved around.

Well enjoyed creeping about and hiding in bushes, also the ROC post is still locked.:thumb
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unhealthy fascination with drains
28DL Full Member
I like this, because I love aircraft. The configuration of the engines is clearly designed to make it look futuristic. The diddy aircraft looks like it could be a DC3.