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Report - Frongoch Lead and Zinc Mine, April 2012

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Massive thanks to Messers. Roy Fellows and Dave Seabourne without who's dedication and work over the years, this gem of a mine would be all but lost.


This is a quite famous lead and zinc mine situate near Pontrhydygroes in central Wales. Although mining at Frongoch started in the mid 1700 s, large scale mining did not commence until 1834 when it was taken over by the Lisburn Mines formed by John Taylor.

In 1899 a new company, the Societe Anonyme Metallurgique of Leige took over and spent a lot of money on new plant and equipment. This was driven by electricity produced by a generating station purposely built and just down the road a mile to the west.

The neighbouring mine of Wemyss was originally independent but was taken over by Frongoch mainly so as to be able to use the Wemyss adit for drainage. This was extended into the Frongoch workings and in one place had to be re-dialled which involved blasting out the floor, a feature to be seen in other mines in the area. Although originally a lead mine, its salvation in later years lay in zinc production with over 50,000 tons of blende being produced.

Underground mining finally ceased about 1910, although in the 1920s the extensive dumps were removed for re treatment.


I've mostly tried to include pics not covered by walsh so as not to overlap.

1. Adit leading to the Engine Shaft

2. Adit that bypasses Williams Shaft

3. Boundary Shaft crossroads complete with supports

4. Flooded adit and plankway heading towards the portal

5. Old school Carling at the bottom of the Engine Shaft

6. Adit wall deposits near Williams Shaft

7. The flooded understope

8. Collapsed false floor between Williams and Engine Shafts

9. Stoped adit and hanging wall on the way out

10. Roof supports near Williams Shaft

11. The wheelbarrow off Engine Shaft

12. The way out - up there somewhere !

A fantastic mine and thanks for looking !
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