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Hello! new explorer here! | New Members Introduction |

Hello! new explorer here!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
hello! today i did my first exploration of a railway and i now feel obsessed over the history of locations and how they seem to be lost or stuck in time. somehow i find that so fascinating. wonder if some people could give me some insight about safety and good locations for a new explorer as i cant seem to find many locations around where i live (between south east and south west england)


Staff member
Welcome :)

Feel free to put a report up from said railway if it fits with the criteria we ask that reports meet (see thread below for some guidance and tips)

As for safety guidance, it really varies depending on the type of place.. avoid some drains when it rains, watch for holes in the floor in derelict buildings, etc etc. It's often easier and safer to explore with at least one other person, at least when you're newer to this weird game, but then like most tips people would offer, it all comes down to common sense at the end of the day!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You are in a fairly good location as a hub to some good places, Wiltshire has loads of military stuff, under ground stuff, farms/big houses, victorian engineering.
South coast has load of forts all the way along it, south east is amazing for military stuff, it's some where I need to start exploring.


28DL Member
28DL Member
You are in a fairly good location as a hub to some good places, Wiltshire has loads of military stuff, under ground stuff, farms/big houses, victorian engineering.
South coast has load of forts all the way along it, south east is amazing for military stuff, it's some where I need to start exploring.
thank you for this! really appreciate it man