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Report - - Princess Mary RAF Hospital, 23-12-07 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Princess Mary RAF Hospital, 23-12-07

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
3rd proper visit to Princess Mary's RAF Hospital and again found more intersting stuff not seen the other times.

Me and Cookiebizkit met up with Tamasine and Stevec047, good to meet you guys.

It's pretty evident that the place is going to be gone very soon, as some demolition has already started, some buildings have been marked for demolition, other's not to be touched, possibly listed and to be converted.

Well here's the pics:

Part demolished building seperate from the main hospital with some intersted finds

Fume extraction cabinets


Night club





Possibly a dentist?

Some from the main parts of the hospital

Main reception area with Stevec047

Operating theatres


From left to right Me, Tamasine, Stevec047 and Cookiebizkit

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