Timtom and I decided that we had both gone long enough without getting out so a nice relaxed explore would be in order, especially as it was realistically our first hospital/ asylum type explore.
Many thanks to Rooks without whose help we'd have found it much harder...... Sorry for the girly phonecall
Rooks, up to that point we'd been hiding behind bushes and jumping in the ditch at every sniff of sound or sight.
I was amazed at just how much stuff has been abandoned, especially when it comes to patient's personal details
Anyway, I've tried to avoid just doubling up everyone else's photos so here goes
It seems every day is Christmas at St Ebba's
Specially when you link up your electric organ
To a "rockin with Jesus" style amp
All things are Bright and Beautiful
when you've both God who is Love and Jesus the Prince of Peace
I have a bit of a thing about peeling paint
and iron girders
We played with light a bit in Damson
How did we know it was Damson?
Unfortunately Jessies was closed
But we had a browse anyway
Then we found several rooms full of patient records which was rather sobering
and the library still full of copies of the British Medical Journal
There was the room full of plans, and upstairs was accomodation, though whether for Staff or patients I'm not sure..... Either way, i wouldn't like to come face to face with whoever thought that this was the ultimate in interior design
The projector room looks pretty mint, we didn't go in because we'd just bumped into two of the most laid back security guys ever.... "Just watch out for the patients eh lads!"
Couple of the exterior and one through the window that I rather liked, then home again.
All in all a great fun day and I feel much less stressed now than I did this time yesterday.
Many thanks to Rooks without whose help we'd have found it much harder...... Sorry for the girly phonecall

I was amazed at just how much stuff has been abandoned, especially when it comes to patient's personal details
Anyway, I've tried to avoid just doubling up everyone else's photos so here goes
It seems every day is Christmas at St Ebba's
Specially when you link up your electric organ
To a "rockin with Jesus" style amp
All things are Bright and Beautiful
when you've both God who is Love and Jesus the Prince of Peace
I have a bit of a thing about peeling paint
and iron girders
We played with light a bit in Damson
How did we know it was Damson?
Unfortunately Jessies was closed
But we had a browse anyway
Then we found several rooms full of patient records which was rather sobering
and the library still full of copies of the British Medical Journal
There was the room full of plans, and upstairs was accomodation, though whether for Staff or patients I'm not sure..... Either way, i wouldn't like to come face to face with whoever thought that this was the ultimate in interior design
The projector room looks pretty mint, we didn't go in because we'd just bumped into two of the most laid back security guys ever.... "Just watch out for the patients eh lads!"
Couple of the exterior and one through the window that I rather liked, then home again.
All in all a great fun day and I feel much less stressed now than I did this time yesterday.