took a morning trip to wallerscote with dark angel, we only missed the afternoon u e'rs by about half hour, shame it'd have been good to say howdi.
absolutely top place, definately the biggest site i've explored. chatted to the pikeys that were ripping out the wire, they were sound enough, but you always had the niggling feeling that one of them might pop round a corner and bop you over the head with a bit of pipe and run off with a camera
would have liked to made it over into the live site, but it has been pretty well boarded over and we ran out of time, bugger!!
main warehouse
up lift shaft
reminded me of science lessons!
pikeys quad bike, note the wire he'd been gathering out of the gap on the right, busy boy!!
pikey having a fag break
you can see the boarding for the active site
absolutely top place, definately the biggest site i've explored. chatted to the pikeys that were ripping out the wire, they were sound enough, but you always had the niggling feeling that one of them might pop round a corner and bop you over the head with a bit of pipe and run off with a camera
would have liked to made it over into the live site, but it has been pretty well boarded over and we ran out of time, bugger!!
main warehouse
up lift shaft
reminded me of science lessons!
pikeys quad bike, note the wire he'd been gathering out of the gap on the right, busy boy!!
pikey having a fag break
you can see the boarding for the active site