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Report - - Dollar bay point (Isle of Dogs), London - November 2022 | High Stuff |

Report - Dollar bay point (Isle of Dogs), London - November 2022

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professional crayon eater
28DL Full Member

Dollar Bay point is a 31 storey, 109M tall glass skyscraper located on the east side of the South Docks on the Isle of Dogs, just outside of the "injunction land" of Canary Wharf.

Construction started in 2014 after a lengthy fight for planning permission and the building was completed in mid 2017.

The developers chose to name the building Dollar Bay after the road it is named on "Dollar Bay Place". The naming of this road referring back to the areas rich docklands history, in particular the role the area played in World War 2. This patch of the West India docks acquired the nickname of Dollar Bay during WW2 when local dock workers would help US Navy boats based here in the war.

Positioned at the far end of the dock it offers a great view of the now rather crowded basin to the west. Although surrounded by higher buildings, it is so far spaced back from them that it offers a great view of them from afar, giving a clear view all the way down the south dock with highrises lining either side. To the east lies a clear view over the Thames with the o2 Arena and north Greenwich peninsular, aswell as London city airport in the distance.

Image from google maps showing dollar bay point in the foreground, looking west over the south dock



We had a pretty eventful night and this was towards the end of it, right after hitting up a gas holder after being inspired by @mockney reject we headed in the direction of Canary wharf with no real plan, with it being past midnight at this point we were mainly focused on construction sites without injunctions, I obviously can't talk about entry on here but lets just say we got distracted by all of the shiny highrises and sleepy concierges.

After reaching the rooftop there is a very small walkway up the center of the roof to the highest point. It had been raining most of the day so stepping off of the walkway onto the slippy angled roof didn't seem like a great idea, as much as we wanted to get to the north/south edge of the building we decided against it and stuck to the walkway. Chilled out up there for around 20-30 minutes and then headed back down.


looking west down the south dock, with the landmark pinnacle straight opposite


looking to the north


looking east, towards the river, o2 and london city airport


looking north again towards stratford, along the sheer 109m drop.


looking south west, towards the One thames quay development and the Amory tower on the right


chilling out at the top



Looked up this building on 28DL and saw the last post about this building was in 2015 during construction, thought it would be an alright one for my first report, nothing too exciting.

Feel free to offer constructive criticism or pointers! Cheers.​


professional crayon eater
28DL Full Member
Wooow !did you use phone or camera

I used a Nikon D5600, unfortunately this was done like 3 days before my new Sony A7III arrived in the post.

Still happy with the photos but since upgrading to this new camera the low light capabilities are so much better on the A7III.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice one mate, not been up here for over 2 years. Good to see people are still getting the run of it. Ace photos!


professional crayon eater
28DL Full Member
That’s a cracking shot that.

Always a good holder that one. You can see it from the shard lol
It's stunning, something about having no ladder guard on the inside freaked me out though haha, wish I walked around when I got to the top but I was too busy trying to handle the jelly legs and not being spotted from the stupidly busy substation site right below :(

mockney reject

Staff member
It's stunning, something about having no ladder guard on the inside freaked me out though haha, wish I walked around when I got to the top but I was too busy trying to handle the jelly legs and not being spotted from the stupidly busy substation site right below :(

That the ladder cage things a bit daunting at first .

igneous rock

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's stunning, something about having no ladder guard on the inside freaked me out though haha, wish I walked around when I got to the top but I was too busy trying to handle the jelly legs and not being spotted from the stupidly busy substation site right below :(
did you leave a glass bottle up there?

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