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Report - - Turner Brothers Asbestos, Rochdale, Multi Visit 2020 | Industrial Sites |

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Been to this site a couple times throughout 2020 so here are some shots from inside.
I want to make it very clear that i do not reccomend you enter this building or the site unless you have the correct safety gear. And still with this your health & safety cannot be guaranteed. This site needs to be dealt with. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this can be, do not enter alone and you must understand the risks before going anywhere near this site. I have been 3 times and shall not return for my own safety.

Turner Bros. was once the largest Textile Factory in Europe if not the world. This amazing structure was the creator of a material called asbestos. A very efficient, and at the time, popular, insulant. This was until it was found that the fibres used can be lethal if inhaled. This is the site of a lot of controversy till this day.

The site began manufacturing Asbestos in 1879 and quickly became the largest manufacturer of the substance. The first death due to asbestosis was the death of Nellie Kershaw in 1924. At death Nellie was just 33 (No compensation was ever paid out by Turner Bros. regarding her death). During production the fibres were allowed to leave the building and made their way into the atmosphere with many people reporting a dust like substance forming on cars nearby. As we know now this dust like substance has contaminated a lot of the surrounding woodland areas making them dangerous. The production of asbestos ceased in 1990 over 60 years after Turner's first asbestos related death. Asbestos has since then been related to over 2,000 deaths each year in the UK, according to the health and safety executive.

Since the closure of the site it has been partially burned down although a very large portion of the site is still standing including the asbestos hoppers and extractor fans. The site has 24/7 security although the amount of photographs taken within the site show that the security is not effective. Many development proposals have been made although they have been denied due to the need of a full decontamination of the site and the surrounding woodland areas after findings of 'brown asbestos' which had been ignored by developers. Tests carried out in 2013 confirmed asbestos contamination in the surrounding ground and air testing found increased levels of asbestos fibres in the air. Renshaw properties took over ownership of the site in 2011 after it was previously bought by MCC developments in 2004. The fire which destroyed a large amount of the site occured in 2013. A year later a second fire accured in the same area. Both were deemed to be arson.

Tests carried out by Rochdale Council in 2017 found only one harmful airbourne asbestos fibre in the surrounding area. Assessments were also conducted regarding the grounds surrounding the area although the results of these have not been released. The site still stands today with no development being made.






















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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was just thinking about this place recently i,m amazed its still standing tbh thanks for the update, also surprised the records room doesnt appear to have been torched, which was one of the best ive been in.


I was just thinking about this place recently i,m amazed its still standing tbh thanks for the update, also surprised the records room doesnt appear to have been torched, which was one of the best ive been in.
yeh i know. really interesting how much is still there. the records room is a challenge to get into. probs why its not been torched


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report amazed it’s still around. Guess security had gone then.

The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice report, I forgot about this place to be fair must have a look, turbines you say? Hmmm, seen a mill looking boiler house there but never any pics inside...


28DL Member
28DL Member
Raw loose asbestos was brought in by rail to a sidings at the top of the site which was developed mid 80s (there are brown brick houses there now behind the trees)
From this point the asbestos was put into an over head carriage system and taken into the factory for introduction into materials. If you look high level you can see where the wires brought the carriages in, this is now boarded up but is still visible. This factory mainly produced AIB boarding back in the day.

To anyone that is thinking of visiting this place - TAKE HEED, the buildings are still contaminated and this stuff will attach to your clothing, you really dont want to be taking this stuff back home to your families. Not bothered? - at least wear some PPE and RPE to protect yourself.

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