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  1. Elcamino;)

    Motorway Bridge Infrastructure-Kent (May 2024)

    Hiya! This is just a short one but I thought I'd post a quick report as it's been a while and I don't want to make a report on my favourite spot yet incase security make it harder to visit before I can go back with my mates and take some pictures of the upper levels. So I thought I'd do a report...
  2. Seffy

    Report - Clifton Suspension Bridge: Clifton Tower, Bristol - June 2015

    Clifton Tower of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol Only a quick report this. It's another one from the archives, but this one was special as it's such an iconic structure. It's pretty much THE thing that people know our city for (along with a big ol' boat). It's the commuter route into...
  3. Llama

    Report - Kingsferry Bridge Internal Section, Isle Of Sheppey - (October 2019)

    Once again, it was troll imitation time, back under the bridged we go! On a rather dreary, wet October's morning, myself and @James Cross found ourselves scratching our heads for ideas of what to do for our next outing. And after being stuck inside all week due to the atrocious weather, I think...