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Report - Chatterley Whitfield

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Visited with Zero, Alias and no.1 fence climber Snappel. As well as seeing a pottery I was set on seeing at least one colliery on my stoke trip. Chatterley was in my top three but the place is just so much more amazing than I expected.

We climbed two of the four headstocks. Excellent views and you can't beat the feeling of standing on top when there's a wind. Then onto the elevated tracks. These really blew me away, wasn't expecting it. Nice to see the workings of the colliery, how the carts came up, were tipped and fed down into the hopper to be put on the train and then back round down into the mine.

Then onto the next headstock, winding house with controls and then under the headstock. Complete with old phones, more original signage and a view down into the shaft. Another thing I wasn't expecting. You could even see a shaft going off to one side that would be accessible via SRT. Now that I'd love to see!!

In a word: AMAZING






