Chelsea Barracks, Chelsea, London
15 floors / 140ft ( Highest point)
Currently groundwork/surveying underway prior to demolition and redevelopment.
Chelsea Barracks was a British Army barracks located in the City of Westminster, London, adjacent to Chelsea, on Chelsea Bridge Road.
It was originally built to house two battalions of troops. It was the home of two companies of the Foot Guards: No 7 Company, Coldstream Guards; F Company, Scots Guards, 238 Signal Squadron. The four companies total about 280 troops.
The barracks was also the home of the Regimental Bands of the Irish Guards and the Welsh Guards and to a small Signal Squadron.
On 6 September 2005 Secretary of State for Defence, John Reid, announced that Chelsea Barracks will be sold. He described it as needing extensive renovations. The site is to be vacated by 2008.Troops were moved to The Royal Artillery Barracks at Woolwich.
(courtesy of Wikipedia)
In April 2007 Chelsea Barracks in its 12.8 acre site was agreed to be sold by the Ministry of Defence for £959 million to a consortium led by Candy & Candy, the luxury property design firm run by brothers Christian and Nick Candy, and the Qatar government.. The Times reported that "The enclave, between Sloane Square and the river Thames, now has the unofficial title of
Britain’s most expensive residential development site at £70.3m per acre.
On February 1, 2008 the Candy brothers took possession of the site.
(courtesy of Wikipedia)
"Eyes FRONT !! ( and left ...and right.....and behind...)"
I'd figured out a couple of ways in...both needing quiet streets...
That part was easy...but the other wasnt ( its patrolled by dogs at night ) and that had resulted in a couple of failed attempts.
I had observed behavoirs and patterns....and figured out what needed to be done.....( I love it when a plan comes together !)
Lots of cameras around...and security are pretty damn good ! I dunno what the feel they need to protect the campus is pretty much stripped bare.
Its very much like a mini town in, social club, gym,swimming pool, dining halls, bars.....aare all there as well as the living quarters and offices....I think it must have been quite a cool place for a squaddie to be serving...
Very little military 'stuff' left there....but plenty of reminders of what it was.
This one was definatley a requires observation and knowledge of security there and even with head was constantly on a swivel with the slightest of noises in this 'ghostown'....I dont think I've ever had to be so careful of my movements.....I left physically and mentally exhausted !!
With a little thinking ( note thinking....NOT vandalism)...most areas on campus are available...
Theres quite a few pictures.....I'll break them down into the relevant areas.
The 'High Stuff'
Visited first, of course !...Two accomodation block towers tower over the barracks.
Up out at 15 floors ...there are some great views of the Barracks well as some nice views of London and 'familiar ' friends.
The last resident on the 15th floor...didnt seem to be enjoying the view as much as I did.
There is a tunnel below the towers didnt join the two towers and unfortunately ended abruptly
The Chelsea Barracks Military Chapel
Nestled in the heart of the Barracks....a lovely quaint chapel...
A couple of the memorial plaques still remain...big...ornate and beautiful.
Central Accomodation Block.
I have to say I found the accomodation rooms particulary uninspiring.....this is the military after all !...
But the communal shithouse....of course !
The Armoury
Couldnt resist a peek in here......rooms with cages and storage facilities for rifles, GPMG's, Morters and Rockets and lots of 'nuclear material' warning signs ( depleted uranium casings maybe ? )
....I reckon this place was 'ultra' secure when it was live....the PIR's here are still active...and the control panel for the door movement sensors are still on too.....whether anyone is listening/ for you to decide !
One of 4 armoury rooms..
Other Barracks Facilities
This place has everything a place with 250 guys needs to's some highlights
Very nice Gym....
Swimming pool is next door.....still a bit 'o water' left in there if anyone fancies a paddle.
An army marches on its appropriately the mess hall is huge
Other things....
Key Hall in the site room....( there was also a very comprehensive map of the facility...

There was a fully functional medical , dental and physiotherapy hall on the backend of the its pretty much bare.
These guys are around regularly....thankfully for me....not with fido today.
A tricky explore no doubt....but one that had to be done

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