First, thanks to markr for the lead this morning.
This is a superb hardened bunker on the edge of North Weald airfield. Foot thick steel and concrete doors, air filtration and EMP filters for comms and electrics remind you of its later purpose in life.
Apart from some chav turd setting fire to a room, which has settled a layer of black dust everywhere, and some general smashing up of things, this place is a really good explore.
Started off at the entrance, a nice yellow and blue blast door, fuel tanks and generator, a decon shower and then a corridor with toilets. A kitchen and other rooms, then the plotting room and the rooms that would be used by 'raynet' amateur radios to maintain communication in grave emergencies.
'Out the back' there is a massive telescopic antenna just begging to be extended, I couldn't do it unfortunately. The air filter room still has the emergency handle in place and everything spins as it should.
Everywhere there is the remains of equipment used in the days of an emergency planning centre, with the raynet kit strewn everywhere. A real shame.
Well worth an explore people, see it before it's too late.
1. From the outside.
2. The main blast door.
3. The antenna and it's hatch.
4. Storage Area.
5. Blast door into another area.
6. Another blast door.
7. The filtration room, note the handle on the pump.
8. Abandoned raynet radio kit.
9. Internal doors near the burned area.
10. View over the plotting room.
This is a superb hardened bunker on the edge of North Weald airfield. Foot thick steel and concrete doors, air filtration and EMP filters for comms and electrics remind you of its later purpose in life.
Apart from some chav turd setting fire to a room, which has settled a layer of black dust everywhere, and some general smashing up of things, this place is a really good explore.
Started off at the entrance, a nice yellow and blue blast door, fuel tanks and generator, a decon shower and then a corridor with toilets. A kitchen and other rooms, then the plotting room and the rooms that would be used by 'raynet' amateur radios to maintain communication in grave emergencies.
'Out the back' there is a massive telescopic antenna just begging to be extended, I couldn't do it unfortunately. The air filter room still has the emergency handle in place and everything spins as it should.
Everywhere there is the remains of equipment used in the days of an emergency planning centre, with the raynet kit strewn everywhere. A real shame.
Well worth an explore people, see it before it's too late.
1. From the outside.
2. The main blast door.
3. The antenna and it's hatch.
4. Storage Area.
5. Blast door into another area.
6. Another blast door.
7. The filtration room, note the handle on the pump.
8. Abandoned raynet radio kit.
9. Internal doors near the burned area.
10. View over the plotting room.
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