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Report - - Hartwood Hospital, Shotts - October 2018 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Hartwood Hospital, Shotts - October 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This vast complex, with its sister institution of Hartwood Hill, must have formed one of the largest hospital sites in Scotland. The main building, situated on rising ground with extensive views across the countryside, presented a muscular facade with its dominant twin towers and Baronial detail. The hospital was built as the District Asylum for Lanark, designed by J. L. Murray of Biggar, work began in 1890 and initially provided accommodation for 500 patients. It was closed in 1998.


We were not able to climb up to the clock tower, but still managed to take a few nice shots of the building.


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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Amazing that is still there.

I'm assuming tower climbing is not an option these days?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Amazing that is still there.

I'm assuming tower climbing is not an option these days?
It’s still doable. Or it was earlier this year that is. I went for a revisit in Jan but the snow was so deep the walk up was fucking exhausting, especially after driving over night from Surrey! The fence had been newly repaired so after climbing it I fucked off pretty quickly because I was ready to die from lack of sleep. Made for some great externals though! One of my mates went in March/April and climbed up. Similar to St Crispins, all depends on your idea of what is too sketchy and what isn’t!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
It looks weird with no roof and the towering stone gables. Looks a great mooch thanks for sharing and welcome to the site.

Idle Hands

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The site has been well and truly cleared for development now - all overgrowth has gone and the outbuildings round the back (laundry blocks) demolished. Looking at the big cracks round the stair turrets I'd say the structure will fail and the weight will pull them away before anyone restores the main block :(

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