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Report - - Maydew House, Bermondsey - November 2019 | High Stuff |

Report - Maydew House, Bermondsey - November 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another night spent upon one of London's many roofs...there's a turn-up!

Maydew House is very typical of its time with it's 1960s brutalist architecture, and towering 255ft above Bermondsey, it's certainly become a prominent feature over the last 50 odd years. However, in 2011, Southwark Council were forced to evacuate all residents for safety reasons, after a large build-up of asbestos was discovered. The tower then stood empty until renovation work began in 2016, and has since undergone minor redevelopments. But, with funds rapidly drying up, work on Maydew Tower has seemed to come to a halt, leaving it in a state of decay, and making it a target for us explorers ;))

So, I gave my mate Chris a call, and we decided to give it a bash. With finding the ground and first floor to be completely sealed, we proceeded to spend the following hour banking up Heras fencing against the base of the tower and essentially free climbing it up to the second floor. After managing to find a loose window and prying it open, we squeezed in, and with all 23 formally residential floors looking much of a muchness, we made for the roof.

But to our dismay, we found the door to the roof to be locked, and so of course, we had no option but to work a bit of magic...then hey presto! it popped right open.
This was well and truly one of the more challenging rooftops to access, but was all made worth it for the incredible views. And I can confidently say a well-earned beer was thoroughly enjoyed at the top :))

















28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good work for getting in and up. I've tried this a couple of times but couldn't find a way to get in

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Good work again lads. More great views. I do like your roof explores. Keep em coming, but please stay safe. :thumb

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Stating safe is easier said than done, although the kind words are appreciated

Just watched a documentary called "Death by selfies" featured some urban explorers. 2 in particular are climbers and hang upside down etc off cranes & masts etc, stunning photos, but scary thought.

I do love your reports. Yep I know its easier said than done, been there lol. Fell off a derp 1st floor beam and tore 4 intercostal muscles straight off 4 ribs and broke 4 ribs. So I get the buzz, it is an amazing feeling being that high up.

I use to climb factories and do roofs too. But that smaller fall put me right off lol.

Keep them coming, I love seeing your reports. Reminds me how good it was. :cool:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just watched a documentary called "Death by selfies" featured some urban explorers. 2 in particular are climbers and hang upside down etc off cranes & masts etc, stunning photos, but scary thought.

I do love your reports. Yep I know its easier said than done, been there lol. Fell off a derp 1st floor beam and tore 4 intercostal muscles straight off 4 ribs and broke 4 ribs. So I get the buzz, it is an amazing feeling being that high up.

I use to climb factories and do roofs too. But that smaller fall put me right off lol.

Keep them coming, I love seeing your reports. Reminds me how good it was. :cool:
There’s no reason why you can’t recapture what you once did, I know the fall isn’t exactly an ideal memory, but if you see past it then I’m sure you’ll be back up on those lofty heights ;)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
There’s no reason why you can’t recapture what you once did, I know the fall isn’t exactly an ideal memory, but if you see past it then I’m sure you’ll be back up on those lofty heights ;)
Maybe, but with MS climbing was a challenge anyway, if I can do a roof safety I certainly will and have since, once or twice :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
From an SE16 FB group tonight. Someone watching the fireworks from the roof. This did cross my mind but couldn't be bothered to go out haha

Well I can’t possibly think how the they got in ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another night spent upon one of London's many roofs...there's a turn-up!

Maydew House is very typical of its time with it's 1960s brutalist architecture, and towering 255ft above Bermondsey, it's certainly become a prominent feature over the last 50 odd years. However, in 2011, Southwark Council were forced to evacuate all residents for safety reasons, after a large build-up of asbestos was discovered. The tower then stood empty until renovation work began in 2016, and has since undergone minor redevelopments. But, with funds rapidly drying up, work on Maydew Tower has seemed to come to a halt, leaving it in a state of decay, and making it a target for us explorers ;))

So, I gave my mate Chris a call, and we decided to give it a bash. With finding the ground and first floor to be completely sealed, we proceeded to spend the following hour banking up Heras fencing against the base of the tower and essentially free climbing it up to the second floor. After managing to find a loose window and prying it open, we squeezed in, and with all 23 formally residential floors looking much of a muchness, we made for the roof.

But to our dismay, we found the door to the roof to be locked, and so of course, we had no option but to work a bit of magic...then hey presto! it popped right open.
This was well and truly one of the more challenging rooftops to access, but was all made worth it for the incredible views. And I can confidently say a well-earned beer was thoroughly enjoyed at the top :))















Me and a few friends tried this building the other night but couldn’t find away up past the first floor! It’s seems the scaffolding has been taken away and all the windows and doors were barred with black metal railings. Unfortunately we took a L that night


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and a few friends tried this building the other night but couldn’t find away up past the first floor! It’s seems the scaffolding has been taken away and all the windows and doors were barred with black metal railings. Unfortunately we took a L that night
I had to free climb it if truth be told. It’s proper gnarly


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I had to free climb it if truth be told. It’s proper gnarly
I can imagine, we circled the building twice and couldn’t see any clear route apart from a little roof connecting to the side panel of the building. But the roof didn’t look very safe at all! I’m taking it is a safe way up now so may go back at some point as the reward at the top looks immense


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can imagine, we circled the building twice and couldn’t see any clear route apart from a little roof connecting to the side panel of the building. But the roof didn’t look very safe at all! I’m taking it is a safe way up now so may go back at some point as the reward at the top looks immense
Keep trying mate! Took me 3 attempts before I finally got up there

Bando Exploration

Ins unbekannte wagen
28DL Full Member
God that brutalist architecture is epic reminds me of the tower blocks dotted around London like trellick tower and Balfron well done for achieving it mate

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