Well this turned out to be really really cool! The theaters were stunning, probably the best ive ever seen attulay! The side loading body fridge and the general creepyness was also super mint!
It closed in 1994 and is typical military style, from the outside it just looks like a concrete box with only a couple of slit like windows (castle style!), on the inside alot of parts remain very intact yet most is covered in a fine layer of creepy mold. The smell of 'ROC' fills the air, the few windows that it does have are boarded tight cutting off all air circulation. Stripped but atmospheric.
Thanks to rooks for dragging me there and ukmayhems help!
First impression pretty bland
Service stairs, 4 storys from basement to roof.
Theater one
Theater two
Eyewash i think
Body fridge? seemed a bit small for this size of hospital but can really see what else it was for.
Childrens ICU by the look of it
Ambulance Control

It closed in 1994 and is typical military style, from the outside it just looks like a concrete box with only a couple of slit like windows (castle style!), on the inside alot of parts remain very intact yet most is covered in a fine layer of creepy mold. The smell of 'ROC' fills the air, the few windows that it does have are boarded tight cutting off all air circulation. Stripped but atmospheric.
Thanks to rooks for dragging me there and ukmayhems help!
First impression pretty bland
Service stairs, 4 storys from basement to roof.
Theater one
Theater two
Eyewash i think
Body fridge? seemed a bit small for this size of hospital but can really see what else it was for.
Childrens ICU by the look of it
Ambulance Control