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Report - - Wenallt AAOR - South Wales - October 2022 | Underground Sites |

Report - Wenallt AAOR - South Wales - October 2022

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Camera Drowner
Regular User
It's been far too long since I've done a day out exploring, over a year infact (which I hadn't realised till I looked at the date of my last report). Life, other hobbies and lazyness meant that exploring took a bit of backseat for a while. Anyway I returned to acts of casual trespass in the land of South Wales with @Fluffy.

The day offered a few promising locations, which turned out to be a bit of a failure on most fronts. A certain large Cardiff asylum is a tricky nut to crack at the moment with secca to the eyeballs.
Through pure desperation to explore SOMETHING we ended up here, the Wenallt AAOR bunker set in the valleys north of Cardiff.


Wenallt AAOR (Anti Aircraft Operations Rooms) is one of the many AAOR sites across the UK. The Wenallt site was converted by BT to become the main BT War HQ for Wales. However this never completed and the site was left abandoned. The site has suffered many years of vandalism and is trashed inside with a lot of fire damage.

The Explore

After a few fails it was nice to actually get inside something abandoned. However the state of this place was perhaps a little more derelict than we had hoped. Fire damage, graffiti and vandalism was the theme of this site. Unlike the Mersham AAOR site I've previously explored, this one is not flooded and pretty dry inside. Photographing it was somewhat challenging as the dark soot covered walls and ceilings absorbed much of my torch light and made the whole vibe of the site very gloomy and grim.

However a few bits of original equipment, generators etc just about saved the site from being a totally awful explore.












Massive Member
Regular User
I left a manfrotto mini tripod in there about 6 years ago, I will forever be pissed off that I didn't notice it slip out of my bag
Decent pics and it looks pretty much the same as my last visit

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